Chapter 3: Escaping It All

Start from the beginning

"Well, here are your hot chocolates, boys," Mom announces, passing two steaming mugs to us.  "I'm very sorry, but I have to go run some errands.  That's okay with you two, right?"

"Yeah, you go ahead," I tell her, giving her a thumbs up.  "We're going to go to Professor Oak's place after we finish though."

"That's fine, dear," Mom approves, and with that she leaves our house.  When I turn to face Clemont, who's sipping at his hot chocolate, his eyes light up.

"Uh... isn't that hot?" I ask him, and try a little bit of mine.  It is burning hot and my tongue feels like I just stuck it into a raging fire.

"It is, but this is so good I don't care if my tongue burns off," he replies, greedily sipping at the hot chocolate.

"Here, I have a trick to make it better," I tell him, standing up and walking to the fridge.  I open the door and felt the blast of cold air hit my face just like an Icy Wind from a Glaceon, then pick up the milk carton.  I travel back to the table, sit down, and place it between us.

"Mom always adds some of this when my cocoa's too hot," I explain.  "And since I don't want you burning your tongue off, I think you should add some.  It doesn't take away the taste," I reassure him when he flashes me a doubtful look.

"Well, okay, if you say so," he says in an unsure tone, pouring a little milk into his mug.  Hesitantly, he takes a sip, then smiles in relief.

"Better, isn't it?" I check with him, and he nods.

"Much better," he responds, letting out a sigh.

Because this hot chocolate is soooo amazing, we end up finishing it pretty fast.  I take both of our mugs and leave them in the sink, then lead Clemont upstairs to my room to put our backpacks down.  I set mine near my bed and Clemont does the same, glancing around at my room while he does so.

"Cool room, Ash," Clemont tells me as we're about to exit.  "You'll have to give me a tour when we get back."

"Will do!" I tell him with glee, leading him to the Professor's office.  We arrive there pretty quickly, because Pallet Town isn't exactly big.  I make sure to knock this time, because I didn't want Professor Oak blowing himself up with some chemicals or something.

"Professor?  It's me Ash- I brought a friend!" I call out, hoping that someone could hear me.  A moment later, Oak responds.

"Come in, Ash!" croaks out his old-sounding voice, and I gently push open the door.  The Professor sits at his desk, and he seems to be in the middle of writing a report or something.  He turns when he sees us, giving us a patient smile.  "Greetings, Ash.  Who's this you brought with you?"

"Oh, this is my friend, Clemont.  He's from Kalos," I add, hoping this would spike the Professor's interest.  "Clemont, this is Professor Oak."

"It's... it's an honour, sir," Clemont says, clearly fumbling for words in front of the esteemed Professor.  

"Professor, can I visit my old Pokemon?  Clemont, I'm sure, would love to stay and talk science stuff.  He's an inventor," I add proudly, pushing him toward the professor. 

"Oh really?  Well, certainly, young man.  I'd love to give you some help with your inventions- Ash, you know where to go," he tells me, standing up to shake Clemont's hand.  I place my hand on Clemont's shoulder, then head off.

"I'll be back soon, Clemont," I let him know, heading out back where I knew my Pokemon would await me.

I walk through the corridors of Oak's lab, marveling at how long it'd been since I'd been here.  During mine and Clemont's quest, I never really had time to think about this stuff... but now, now that we're taking a short break, I have time for new thoughts to enter my mind.

Of course, most of them are about Serena, from her eyes to her smile.

Dammit, I love her too much.  

I don't know what I'll do if she's really dead.

I'm about to exit the lab when a small flier catches my eye.  Bending downwards, I pick it up and read the title.

"Professor Oak's Pokemon Summer Camp"

My breath hitches, and for a moment it feels like I'm being strangled.  I struggle to breathe.  This is the summer camp... the summer camp where I first met Serena.  Of course it's not the same one, it's for the one taking place this year, but... I... it's the summer camp where I first met Serena.  Oh Arceus... 

My head instantly becomes full of thoughts of her, tears running down my face as if they'd been waiting there for the right moment.  My shoulders shake, and suddenly I'm overcome with grief.  I don't b-break down often, but when I do, I need to be alone.  Serena... oh Arceus, will I ever see you again- you must be dead- no no no NO NO NO NO NO-

Dropping the flyer, I run off towards the forest, ignoring the shocked look on the faces of all my old Pokemon.  I run into the greenery, the one place where I could feel safe and be somewhat at peace.


"B-But... Heliux... why can't I go see him?" I beg, tearing up a little.  "My one true love has finally come near us enough that I can actually see him, and I can actually talk to him.  And you tell me I can't go!?" I can feel my magic flare up.  Sylveon wraps her misty ribbon around my leg, giving the Minister a hard look.  He just lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Serena... it is not that simple.  We cannot risk your safety," Heliux presses, trying to reason with me.  I swear to Lita that he can be so dumb sometimes, Ash wouldn't hurt me!

"With all due respect, sir," Brock interjects, "I know Ash well.  He'd never harm anyone, unless he's being possesed-"

"Which he's not," I add, giving Brock a look.  That was not the right thing to say, Brock.  "Please...?" I plead, wincing a little as I know I'm sounding like a child.

"His birthday is in a couple of days.  Once he comes of age, the Legendary Pokemon will bring him to us," Heliux says strictly.


"Dismissed," he finishes, leaving the room.  I swear to Lita, I do like him a lot, but he can be so controlling!  I'm his Leader, he should listen to my needs, I think crossly, kicking the ground with my pink-booted foot.  

"Serena," Brock whispers, beconing to me to come closer to him.  I walk over, my layered dress shifting slightly as I go.  "I have just sensed that Ash has entered our forest.  There isn't a safer time to talk to him.  Go on, I'll keep Heliux busy.  Even though you know he's just edgy because of Aria's death," he adds, looking at me seriously.

"Yes, I know," I agree, then realize what Brock just said.  I fly over and hug him, Sylveon beside me smiling in delight.  "Thank you," I tell him.  "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it, Serena," he says to me.  "Now, go!  Sneak out through the back if you can," he adds, leaving the room to go find Heliux.  I smile gratefully at him then leave, my sparkling wings leading me to find Ash.  I don't exactly know where he is, but I know I'll find him soon enough.

The Ash I know isn't exactly quiet.

Ooh, long chapter everyone!!  About 2000 words.. longer than I expected.  Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter... as you can probably tell, next chapter's gonna get interesting.. more interesting than this one, don't worry XD

Edit: The days when I thought 2000 words was long...... *sigh*.  Just take a look at what I've written later in this book and in The Fairy's Poison, this chapter will feel so short.

I'm gonna go now.  Have a great day or night, and thanks for reading everyone!!

Stay tuned ;)

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