Not the Only Hiccup in Town Part Two

Start from the beginning

"I'll start you out with a gronkle." He said.

He opened the gate, releasing the dragon. It tumbled out, going right for you. You gasp, and jump out of the way.

"Well alright then." You mutter.

It comes at you again, and you try to stay calm.

It see's your not scared, and stops, tilting it's head at you.

"Uh, hey there boy." You say quietly, "You sure are a hyper dragon, aren't you?"

The dragon shakes it's head, his eyes going back to slits. It advances on you, and you back away.

"Whoa whoa whoa," you let out as you move.

"H-hiccup, what do I do?" You ask, not taking your eyes off the dragon.

"Just stay calm! Try giving it a name!" You heard him yell.

You sighed, you had no idea what to name a gronkle.

"Uh....what about...." You mumbled, looking down.

You groaned, "I can't think of anything Hiccup!"

Before he can answer, the dragon let's loose a huge fireball. You quickly jump out of the way, but some of the fire catches your foot.

You cry out, and lean against the stone wall for support. You hear a voice call out your name, but it sounds very distant.

You see the dragon come closer, but your in to much pain to care. You let yourself slide down the wall, tears of pain leaking out of your eyes.

You expect more pain to come, but nothing does.

You look up to see Hiccup slowly leading it back towards it's cage.

Once it's in it's cage, Hiccup runs back to you. He kneels beside you, his worry clear on his face.

"(y/n), are you ok?" He asked, looking you over.

You hold your foot, tears still leaking out of your eyes. Wasn't it obvious you weren't ok?

"Oh (y/n), I'm so sorry. This is my fault." Hiccup mumbles, looking down.

You shake your head, not trusting yourself to say anything. He looks down at your foot, before his eyes widened.

He got up, and sprinted into a room, and came out with a small bowl of something, a rag, and a long piece of cloth.

"It's best we clean up that foot of yours." He says.

You smile a little, and nod. He kneels down beside you again, and dips the rag into the bowl.

He gently places the rag on your foot, causing you to tense, biting your lip to keep from making a sound.

Hiccup looks at you, "sorry," he flinches.

You take a deep breath, forcing a smile on your face, shaking your head at him again.

"It's not your fault. It's mine and my clumsy self's fault." You mutter, tensing again as hiccup wraps your foot in the long piece of cloth.

"Ok, (y/n), this was anything but your fault. It was your first time with a dragon, I shouldn't have left you to deal with it alone." He said, looking back towards the cages.

"Hiccup, this isn't your fault. I guess I just need a little more practice." You smile at him, trying to lighten the mood.

He looks back to you, and smiles a little too. He then focuses on your face, and you grin, giggling a little.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He snapped out of his daze, "huh? Oh, nothing. It's just..." He tried to find the right words, "I've only known you for a day, and I already feel like I've known you my whole life." He bites his lip, "does that make sense?"

You giggle, "yes, that does make sense. I understand what your feeling hiccup. I'm feeling it too." You blush a deep red.

"Really?" He asked, looking at you surprisingly.

You nod, "really."

He smiles at you, and slowly leans in. You blush even more, but copy his actions.

Your lips touch, and it's a feeling you've never felt before. You feel as though the whole world stops spinning, and your the only two people there.

You pull away after a few minutes, your lungs desperate for air.

He smiles at you, and gets up. He reaches his hand out to you, and you take his offer.

He gently brings you to your feet, supporting you as you limp out of the arena.

He brings you to your grandmothers house, and you smile as you reach her doorstep.

You turn to hiccup, "thanks."

"Not a problem. I'm a chief, it's my job." He smirks.

You roll your eyes, "that again? Really hiccup, you may be the chief, but that act doesn't fool me."

"Fine fine." He laughs, "see you tomorrow?"

you nod, "definitely."

He kisses you swiftly on the lips, before running towards his house.

You stumble into the house, using the furniture for support, a goofy smile on your face.

'Maybe moving to Berk wasn't such a bad thing after all.' You think to yourself.


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. This took WAY longer then it should've. I promise you the next one will be up faster then this one.

But whoop whoop, finally got this done, and it probably sucked, but if you loved it, great! I'm glad! :)

But anyway, I'll be back with that request soon! See us guys!

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