Words like knifes and words like roses: part 2

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Hey guys! Sorry this took so long...I've been really really busy. But here we go! Let's get this started!


Disclaimer - I don't own anything in anyway.


Your POV

You walked home, (d/n) walking beside you. She/he nudged you worriedly, and You smiled weakly at her/him.

"Don't worry, (d/n)...m-maybe he'll go easy on me today." You shrug.

(D/n) gave you a doubting look, and you sighed, "I know, I know. The chances are really low, but hey, you never know." You say.

"Hey! (Y/n)!" A familiar voice called out.

You freeze, and turn to see Hiccup walking towards you.

"H-hey Hiccup. What's up?" You ask, giving him your best smile you could manage.

"Just saw you walking, and thought I would come walk with you. Ya know, keep you company." He shrugs, smiling.

You smile before you comprehend what he said.

"I'm actually just on my way home." You say, motioning towards the direction of your house.

"Does that mean that I can't walk with you?" He asks, grinning.

You sigh, "sort of." You mumble, shuffling your left foot.

"What was that?" Hiccup asked, tilting his head.

Your head shot up again, smiling reassuringly at him again, "n-nothing!" You exclaim.

He gives you a look, and you continue smiling innocently at him.

He slowly nods, "alright..." He says, "anyway, can I still walk you home?" He asks.

You bite your lip, looking in the direction of your house. (D/n) nudges your leg, and you look down at him/her. She nods slightly, and you sigh.

"Alright..." You say quietly, "fine, let's just go." You smile slightly at him.

"Are you sure? Your acting a little strange." He says, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You flinch away from his touch, rubbing the spot his hand was on.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asks, looking at you in concern.

You nod, "yeah-look-let's just get to my house." You say.

He nods slowly, and grabs your hand, and you walk towards your house. (D/n) follows next to you, shooting you disappointed looks that Hiccup didn't notice.

"So, you still haven't told me how your dad took the news." Hiccup said, looking at you.

Your eyes widen slightly, before you clear your throat, "oh, he was fine with it." You say hurriedly.

He smiles, "That's good. Maybe I can actually talk to him now instead of him interrupting me every two words." He chuckles lightly.

You give him a nervous smile, forcing a chuckle of your own out.

"Yeah... Wouldn't that be something?" You muse.

You see your house come into view, and you turned to hiccup.

"Thanks for walking me home!" You say.

"We still can walk a little closer ca-" Hiccup started.

"Oh no I think this is far enough. Thanks for walking me home," you say quickly, and kiss him once before running towards the house.

Older Hiccup x reader- moments (httyd 2)Where stories live. Discover now