Chapter Three

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*I apologize in advance if there are some mistakes in this chapter. Something is going on with either Wattpad or my computer. I'll fix it in editing. Thank-you.

"You should leave." I told him. "Wouldn't want to take all your time away from your pack."

"There's twenty-four hours in a day." He said. "I don't think they'll mind."

I looked over at him, and saw he was giving me a perverted stare. I glared at him and pulled my knees to my chest. "You're a pervert." I hissed at him.

He paused for a moment, noticing that I had blocked his view. "What do you mean?"

I reached over, grabbed a piece of glass, and threw it at him. He jerked back as the glass bounced off one of the cell bars and burst into pieces. Stupid bar, I thought. It would've hit him right in the face. My wolf was stirring around, feeling anxious and angry that I almost hurt her mate. She paused. Yeah, I thought, I said your mate.

"What is wrong with you?!" Alpha Lorne yelled. "Do you know what would've happened if that actually hit me?!"

I pretended to think about it. "It would've been an improvement." I said with a glare.

"Why are you acting like this to me?"

"I'm in a cage, and I'm bloody and injured! And you're not doing anything about it!" I shouted at him.

"You're a poisoner."

I nodded, tilted my head back, and smiled at the ceiling. "So that's all I am?" He was silent. "I get it. I'm just a rogue in your eyes."

"Rogues have a bad reputation." He reminded me. "They don't belong."

"I'm a rogue." I snapped at him. "And you're right. I don't belong, especially not in your pack. Why would I want to join a pack that can't even beat me, an untrained wolf, to a deer?!"

"Good thing that was never an option." He hissed. And then he was gone. Stalked away and left.

I sighed and tried to sit up straighter. Pain shot through my back and into my neck. I groaned in pain before I turned my body, and laid on the cell floor. The whole room was made out of rock. It wasn't smoothed down or flattened. It looked like someone mixed a whole bunch of rocks and cement together, and poured it down. So laying on the floor is extremely uncomfortable. In my former home, I slept on the floor. I drew a large square on the floor with permanent marker and called it a bed. I looked around. I didn't have a permanent marker. Or my bag of weapons.

I can't believe you! My wolf growled at me. You made him upset!

I ignored her.

Yeah, I did pick a fight with him but it was for the best. Obviously he favors his pack over his own mate. Are you admitting you're mates, my wolf asked in a snarky tone. I'm admitting he's not scoring any brownie points. What a jerk! To say that rogues don't belong is completely out of line. And I'm a rogue! You would think as an alpha he'd have more respect and patience, but he doesn't. He's like every macho, jerk alpha out there. You don't know him, my wolf cried, you can't say that!

You know how much it hurt when he said that, I thought back to her, I felt your sadness.

Honestly, I don't know what I thought when I was trying to make him angry. I guess I thought that he was already stuck with me anyway, so he'd that to deal with me. But I've never seen a two successful mates. Then again, I've never two broken mates. Love hasn't been my number one priority.

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