Chapter One

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My day started off with a loud clanking noise. I stirred for a bit before remembering what my life was all about - survival. I jumped up and blinked away the groggy feeling I had. I paused and waited for the clanking to start.




           I paused again. It sounded like it was in the building. No one ever comes into my building.

           I live in an old, neglected building that has no more meaning. It use to hold a bunch of offices, but now it can only hold itself. The outside of the building is bathed in graffiti, and the inside is bathed in water damage. Every window has a couple of bullet holes. I think it adds personality. People avoid it because they think it'll collapse on them. Seeing as I have nothing but my life to loose, I decided I could call it home.

           I silently reached into my bag and pulled out my Glock. I eased myself over to the door of my room and opened it. The door let out a loud creak. I tensed for a moment, cursed the door, and peered out into the hallway. Nothing. The whole building creaked as a strong gust of wind blew through the windows. I felt the building shift before pausing.



           My eyes cut to the end of the hallway. It was coming from one of the offices. I cocked my gun, and slyly sneaked down the hallway. As I got closer, the clanking got louder. I kept my heart steady as I pressed myself against the wall. Next to me was a door. Whoever barged into my building didn't have the smarts to close the door. Typical. I carefully peaked around the corner.


           A man slammed a drawer to the filing cabinet shut. His anger and annoyance radiated off him like a light at the end of a dark tunnel. He opened another filing cabinet, searched through it, and clank, he slammed it shut. I didn't recognize him. He muttered profanity as he moved on to the next drawer. I pulled myself back and pressed myself against the wall again. I looked around the hallway. No one there. I looked back and debated my choices.

            I could let him roam and try to find what he wants. Hopefully he won't see me, and he'll leave. Or I could hold him at gun point and demand answers, but if he saw me than he could identify me to my enemies. And if he knew I lived here he could rat me out. Honestly, I've never killed anyone before. I'm just wanted for robbery and grand theft auto. I don't think I could shoot him. Maybe I could draw him out.

           I quietly tip-toed back to my room, and got my mask. My mask was all leather with stitching that stood out. It had two holes for the eyes and two rows of three dots for breathing. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and slipped with mask over my head. I ran out of my room, stomping my feet and banging on the walls to get his attention, and I ran into the office next to my room. I pulled the door close to the wall and hid behind it. The clanking had stopped, and there were foot steps coming from the hallway.

           "Who's there?" The man asked in a dark, intimidating tone.


           I heard him shuffle around, and soon after I heard him loading him gun. I grabbed a dusty old book from the top of the filing cabinet I stood by, and I threw it across the room. It hit the desk, and knocked off a whole bunch of pens. The objects landed on the floor, and made a loud crash.

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