"How about you think it over then tell me what it is and I'll issue the punishment." Dextyn said to me then turned towards the warrior.

" You may go warrior." With a bow of his head warrior Delova left the office.

Dextyn pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him.

"What's wrong babe."dextyn asked as he rubbed the spot inbrteen my brows.

"I want to punish her but at the same time I dont want to punish her. I know she deserves to be punished she touched in ways I'm only aloud to touch you." I said as emotion ran through me.

"That's the Luna in you babe. She needs to be punished but at the same time you dont want to hurt a pack member." She said what I was thinking.

"I know she does I just dont want to be to harsh." I said as I leaned my head on his.

I was thinking of punishments when and idea popped in my head.

I jumped up from dextyn starting him. He looked at me waiting for me to speak.

"Oxsana is all bout status and riches right." I asked him.

"Yes why?"He said as he leaned back in his chair stretching. His muscles bulged as he stretched making me momentarily lose train of thought.

"Mate looks good enough to eat." My wolf purred in my head. I heard a low growl come from my mate. I looked at him to see his eyes turn a golden color. His wolf was surfacing as he sniffed the air.

I squirmed as I felt my panties dampen with the look he was giving me.

"Mmm  mate you smell good." He sniffed the air making me blush.

Dextyn shook his head closing his eyes tightly before looking at me. His eyes were now the blue color I love.

"Baby you need to control your hormones. You get my wolf and I excited with your sweet smell." He growled lowly.

"I can't help it your so sexy." I mumbled. He laughed and I was in awe. The big scary alpha king was laughing.

"You think I'm sexy. I think your your gorgeous. I'm a lucky man." He said smiling his dimples showing. I blushed at his comment but smile too. I get the feeling that I'm the only one who sees this did of him.

"That's because you are mate. Only you get to see me like this. But to others I'm a cold heartless bastard." He pulled me back on his lap.

"Now tell me what you were thinking when you jumped from my lap." He asked running his nose along my neck in halimh my scent.

"So oxsana cared about status and how she looks right." Dextyn nodded his head his making his stumble tickle my neck. I giggled at the felling. He chuckled as he did it again.

"Babe stopped I'm trying to be serious." I said pushing his head gently away from my neck.

"I'm trying to tell you oxsana punishment but I can't with you distracting  me." He lifted head from my neck  placing a kiss on my lips.

"Sorry baby, I can't help it your gorgeous to look at and smell delicious." He said making me blush.

"Now as I was saying, she care about status and how she looks. Instead of giving her a harsh punshish be make her an omega for a monthm she had to act like an omega, dress like an omega and sleep in the omega ward. After her one month is over and she still is the way she is then we can banish her from the pack. I dont want a pack member who throws her self at mates males." I said to him. He looked at me in awe.

" You darling are sweet. If it was me she would be long gone by now. But that's the Luna side of you." He said kissing me.

I was about to say something when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said as dextyn glares at the door. I guess  he doesn't like being interrupted.

"What is it you need jaxon the ms. Delova is a wake alpha." He gave hardened.

"Is she healed." He asked.

"Yes alpha." He bowed his head.

"Good tell her to come to my office." He said

Jaxon bowed his head towards dextyn I before leaving.

I turned toward dextyn and kissed him.

"You know we've kissed and had sexy moments but we have yet to go on a date." A said playing with my shirt ends.

"Are you asking me on a date, babe." He winked and smiled at me making me melt inside.

I was about to say something when a knock was heard.

"Enter." Dextyn voice turned hard as the door opened revealing oxsana.

She walked in closing the door behind her. She had a smile on her face but it soon turned into a flare when she seen me on dextyns lap.

I smiled at her making her glares even more.

"You wanted to see me alpha."She asked as she twirled her and smiled at him.

I glares at her and growled lowly.

"You here for your punishment for disrespecting your luna." He said.

"Now as your alpha I would be giving out your punishment in this situation but seeing as you had disrespected your Luna she is the one who is going to be issueing your punishment." He said.

Her smile fell then she glares at me.

"You will be working as and omega for a month.
You will dress like an omega. You will do the things omega do. Your are not aloud to to higher ranked wolves. The omegas we have you take orders from them. You will the lowest omega. You will speak when spoken to. Do you under stand." I said to her. She glares at me. Dextyn the. Spoke

" if you dont comply to your punishment you will be banished from this pack and made rogue. Do I make my self clear." Dextyn's voice hard as he glares at her. His voice held his alpha authority.

She continued to glare at me not listening to dextyn. He did not like being disrespected.

He growled his body shaking with anger.

"I do not take being disrespected very kindly. I will not hesitate to banish you ms. Delova." His alpha voice seeped out making her whimper and bowing her in submission. It didn't make me cower. It had a total different effect. My body turn got hot and bothered by his voice.

"Calm down mate. I dont want to mate you in front of an audience." Dextyn mindkinked me. I blushed

"Maybe you should then she would know who you belong to." I mind linked back before cutting off our connection.

"Now Do you understand your punishment or would you like to be made rogue." He ask calming down slightly as I rubbed his arm.

She looked up at us and glared.

"Yes  I understand. Alpha Luna." She gritted her teeth when she said Luna.

"Instead of a month I'll make two since you haven't got it through your head about disrespecting my mate." He growled

"No no no alpha I'm sorry." She pleaded

"Why are you telling me sorry. It's my are you should say sorry to. You have been disrespecting her since you came back. She is my mate and your Luna. Disrespect her again I'll make you wish you hadn't. You are only aloud to speak to me if it's important. You will address me as alpha from now on. Anything between us is strictly professional. Do I make my self clear." He told her.

"I'm sorry Luna. And yes alpha I under stand." She said.

"You are dismissed." He said to her.

She glares at me one more time before leaving. Dextyn didn't notice as his head was against my neck.

I shivers knowing this won't be the last time I have trouble with her.


Oxsana pov

She may have won this little battle but her time will come.

Dextyn belongs to me always had and always will.

Watch out Luna your gonna wish you never met me.

My Mate Is The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now