Chapter 24

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Emmy's POV

I wake up and the first thing I see is bright lights shining in my eyes, along with a crowd of strange people staring down at me. They all look relieved when I flutter my eyes open, and I don't know why. I'm assuming something probably happened, but I've been in the hospital four or five times in the past two months, so this isn't really a new occurrence.

"Where am I?" I groggily ask, already knowing the answer to my question. One of the figures whom I soon recognized to be my mom replied to my question with a sad look on her face. 

"Thank goodness you're awake. The doctors were starting to think that you wouldn't wake up," she started before I interrupted her.

"What do you mean 'they were starting to think I wasn't going to wake up'?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, sweetie. You were unconscious for five days. We were all so worried about you."

"What happened though?" I ask, still confused.

"We're not completely sure. Alex found you on the floor of your room and you were barely breathing, so he called the ambulance and stayed with you until they got there. The doctors think that you might have had a seizure that caused all this. They ran many tests though and if you're doing well, then you should be able to hopefully go home within the next few days," she told me.

"Wait, is Alex here right now?" My question was answered for me though when I glanced over to where the small seating area was in the hospital room to see Alex sitting there with a worried look on his face and his hands folded in his lap.

"Yes, he is. Do you want to talk to him? He is the one who found you, after all. Without him, you might not have survived," my mom said, obviously not picking up on the fact that I most definitely do NOT want to see him right now.

"No..." I start, before realizing that he was already at my bedside. Great. 

"Hey, Emmy. How are you? I was so worried," he said with a sad smile.

"Hey, I appreciate you asking, but I'm most definitely NOT okay!" I say in an outburst. 

"Emmy, please. I know you're still mad at me, but please at least give me a second chance. I know that you can probably never fully forgive me for what I did, but please consider it. You're my everything and you're my entire world and I love you so freaking much. I'm willing to do anything you ask of me just to call you Mine again. I don't think that I can survive without you. This past week has been torturous without you around and I know that if I go much longer without you, I won't survive. Please. I'll do anything," he pleads with a longing look in his eyes.

"You would do anything?" I inquire, raising my eyebrows.

"Of course, Em. Anything you ask."

"Then go. I don't want to see you right now. Here or around the barn," when I said that, his face visibly fell and I could see the tears starting to well up in his eyes. 

Tears started to roll down his face as he slowly left the room.  Alex left the room crying and I suddenly felt crushed. All the feelings of pride left me and I broke down in tears. 

"Why did I have to be so stupid!" I cried in an outburst. "Now he's going to think that I hate him! I wish I had never said that! Why did I have to say that! Me and my big mouth! Ugh! I'm so dumb! Why'd I had to push him away like that, even when we both know how much we mean to each other and that we aren't the same without each other? Ugh! Why don't I just think logically for once!" 

After a good ten minutes of sobbing, my eyes are dry and my voice is raspy from yelling so much. I lift my head off my pillows and suddenly remember that I'm not alone in this room. My family is in here too and they just witnessed my emotional outburst. Great.  They all look at me and after they stared at me for a good minute or so before Maddie interjected and ushered them out of the room so we could have some privacy to talk.

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