Chapter 8

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About an hour later, I get back to my room where my whole family is waiting. I get back into my bed and a few minutes later, Dr. Mills came back to my room.

"Good news! At this moment, she doesn't need a feeding tube, but she most likely will need to get one in a few months or so. It really depends on how she's doing, so she might have to get it in a few weeks, a few months, or maybe even a year. I don't know yet." Dr. Mills said.

"That's great news! Since she doesn't need one right now, can she go home later today or tomorrow?" mom says, relieved.

"About that. Before she can go home, we will have to fit her with a wheelchair, then get one that she can temporarily use before her custom one is made. After that we will have to make sure that ya'll are prepared to take on all of these responsibilities, and that you will make sure that she will be careful at home and when she is out and about." Dr. Mills says.

"I promise I'll be careful! I just want to go home! Please? I miss Honey so much and really want to see her. Being stuck here is the worst. There's nothing to do and you get no privacy!" I said, getting annoyed at the fact that I'm still stuck here.

"Alright, I understand that. I'll send Dr. Fitzgerald right in so he can fit you with a wheelchair." Dr. Mills says, right before walking out of the room.

I lean back on the pillows and sigh loudly. "Why do these things always happen to me? Why can't I just be a normal teenager? Why am I always the one who has these things happen to me?" I say in my head. 

A few minutes later, Dr. Fitzgerald comes in with a different wheelchair. 

"Hello, my name is Dr. Fitzgerald, but you can call me Dr. Fitz. I heard that you need a wheelchair fitted, is that correct?" Dr. Fitz says enthusiastically. 

"Hi. I'm Emmaline, but you can call me Emmy. Yes that's correct. I do need to be fitted to a wheelchair. How long will this take? This is supposed to be the last thing until I can go home, so make it quick" I say, annoyed.

"Alright then pushy. Let's get this started. First, go ahead and sit on the edge of your bed and I'll wheel this wheelchair over so you can get in." Dr. Fitz says.

I do as I'm told.

"Okay, now get yourself in and wheel over to me."

Again, I do as I'm told. After he makes some adjustments and talked to my parents for a few minutes, he leaves the room. A few minutes later, Dr. Mills comes back with a wheelchair for me to use at home for now, and he motions for my parents to see him in the hall. They follow him out the door, leaving me and my sisters alone in the hospital room. 

Maddie and Addy make their way over to my bed and sit down.

"Sissy, are you going to be in a wheely-chair like me?" Addy asks.

"Yes Addy, I am. You know what, I bet that once I get to go home, then we can have a race if mom will let us. That would be fun right?" I reply, trying to sound happy.

"Yay sissy gonna be like me!" Addy cheers.

Maddie and I both look at each other and laugh. Then our parents and Dr. Mills walk back into the room. 

"Good news! You can come home tonight Em!" mom says excitedly.

"Thank goodness! I honestly don't think that I would last much longer here!" I say laughing. 

"Well, there are a few things that I need to teach your parents before tonight, but I'm sure that it won't take too long and that we'll have you out of here by 6 at the latest!" Dr. Mills says. 

"Great!" I reply, starting to gather up the various items scattered around my bed.

Dr. Mills goes over to my parents and starts to tell them how to take care of me now. He tells them that I won't be like how I was before, and that I would need lots of help just doing everyday things. He talks to them for around an hour, then he tells us that he would be back in around thirty minutes with all of my medications to bring home with us. 

After he leaves, my parents come over to talk to me. They had an unreadable expression n their faces, and it made me start to worry about what they were going to tell me.

"Sweetie," mom starts, "I know that you are very excited about coming home, but your father and I just wanted to tell you that it won't be the same as before. You will need lots of help to do even the smallest things, you will get exhausted much easier, and you will have to take multiple medications daily. With your new conditions, it will be very different at school, and you will have to take either the special needs bus to school, or have me or dad drive you in the van, which will have to be adapted. If you don't want to go back to school, you don't have to, and I can home school you instead. Oh, and don't forget that..." 

"Mom, I know. I get that it will be different, but I'll be fine. I still want to go to school, and I don't mind if I have to take the special needs bus. Okay? I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I cut her off.

"Oh, okay sweetie, if you say so." mom says quietly.

My mom get off the bed and walks back over to her chair, while I continue packing up my stuff. I lean off the bed to grab my backpack and put in my books, markers, pencils, notebooks, coloring books, and more. Dr. Mills comes back with a huge bag full of medications for me. "Here you go! Make sure to follow all the instructions on each bottle, and don't miss any doses. When you start to run out, just call the pharmacy, and they will refill the order. Also make sure to call me with any questions you may have. Now, I'll be right back with a wheelchair that she can take home." Dr. Mills says, right before handing my parents the medicines and walking out of the room again to go get my wheelchair.

I quickly finish gathering my things and putting them in my backpack, so that as soon as I'm allowed to, I can go home. 


Hey there y'all! I'm soooo sorry that it took me this long to get this chapter out! I've been busy this past week or so, and I haven't had much time to write. Fun fact: this is the longest chapter I've ever written! I actually think I said that in the last chapter, but this one is like 200-ish words longer, so this one wins. Anywho, I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible, so stay tuned! Oh, one more thing, if y'all have any ideas for the next few chapters, go ahead and comment them, and if I use them, then you'll get a shoutout! Ok, I'm done now, bye! Word count: 1252.

Love y'all!

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