Chapter 23

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I stare in shock at the boy I see. Alex stood right in the hallway like he owned the place. I glanced down at what he was looking at on the floor and realized he was probably just getting his backpack to go home with her.  I glared at him until he noticed my gaze and waved in my direction before leaving again. 

How could he basically ignore the fact that I just broke up with him? I sigh, realizing he was probably just respecting my wishes as any good boyfriend (well, now ex) would. I go into the living room after that unexpected encounter and transfer myself onto the couch next to Maddie. 

"I saw Alex," she mentioned casually.

"Yep, I noticed him. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that we just had a huge fight! He acted just like he always did!" I reply, annoyed at my now ex.

"Emmy, I know you're mad at him, but I just want to say that he's probably acting like that because he knows that you just need time to forgive him. Now, I'm not siding with him, but he's a nice boy and I know that you two will talk about this when you're ready and decide what you'll do with your relationship. You two were made for each other, I know you'll figure it out," Maddie tells me, kissing the top of my head gently.

I look up at my big sister and smile. "Thanks, sis,"

"Always. Now, come on, we have chores to do. And Josh here needs to go home," she laughs, pushing me up into a sitting position so I can transfer back into my chair. 

Maddie stands up and whispers something to Josh before grabbing onto my handles and pushing me out of the living room and into the driveway where Josh's car was parked. He gives her a kiss on the cheek, which makes Maddie giggle. I make a disgusted sound and Maddie laughs more. 

"Bye, Josh," she waves, clutching her stomach from laughing at my noises. I sigh at the new couple and grab Maddie's arm to pull her away from Josh. She reluctantly waves at him and follows me down to the barn. 

I enter, thinking that it would just be empty, but I was wrong. I rolled right into a scene I never thought I would see.

Alex and Noelle were there, and their faces were only an inch or two apart from each other. Alex looked like he was about to kiss her if I hadn't interrupted them. 

"Alexander Mason White! What do you think you're doing?" I say, not quite yelling, but I had raised my voice quite a bit. It was enough to snap them out of the trance they were in, and they both stared at me surprised. 

"Oh, Emmy! It's not what it looks like, I promise!" he tries to defend, but I don't listen.

"Come here, Alexander. And leave her here," I say coldly. He nervously nods and I gesture for him to follow me outside. By now, Maddie had arrived and given me a sympathetic look before going up to Scarlet's stall to begin grooming her. 

I take Alex to the side of the barn so we could talk.

"You better start talking, Alexander. I want the whole story about her, right now," I say sternly, crossing my arms across my chest. 

He sighed before beginning his explanation. "So, last year when we weren't talking, I wanted to have someone to fill the hole you had left in my heart, so I went out and tried to find another girl. It was originally only supposed to be temporary, but when I met Noelle, I knew there was something there. I tried to ignore it, telling myself I only liked you, but my heart didn't want to listen to my brain. We started to hang out more and more, it was very apparent that she liked me. I still wasn't sure how I felt towards her, but I continued to hang out with her almost every day after school. After around two months of this, she asked me if I wanted to be her girlfriend. I was hesitant at first, but I eventually agreed. We dated for a few weeks, but I ultimately decided to end our serious relationship. Now we're just friends, but I know that she still has lingering feelings for me."

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