Chapter 7

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Alex quietly walks out of the room, leaving me alone in silence.

Once he leaves, it gives me a few minutes to think about the events that just took place. 

"Did I really just tell Alex the whole story, even though I hadn't told anyone else before? I guess I just feel some sort of special connection with Alex. I've known him since we were five, but even then, it mainly consisted of useless conversations while we rode together. I've only felt this way towards him since we were ten, so since then, most of our conversations consisted of a few words here and there. I just felt something today."

After spending around ten minutes just lying on the bed thinking, my family and Dr. Mills came back into my room. 

"How are you feeling Emmy?" Dr. Mills asks.

"Okay, I guess. When can I go home?" I reply, desperately wanting to leave this place that I've been stuck in for the past four days.

"That's actually why I'm in here. I spoke with your mother and she said that if you feel up to it, you can go home either tonight or tomorrow morning. How does that sound?" 

"That would be great! I can't wait to see Honey again! She probably misses me so much!" I reply enthusiastically.

"That's great Emmy. Just remember, your life will be quite different now that you aren't able to walk. Riding will not be a possibility for a while, as you will still be recovering and gaining your strength back. You will have to take it easy for a long time, and might never be able to ride again."Dr. Mills replied.

"I know, I know. It's just that I usually am with Honey constantly and she is probably really worried about me. Even if I can't ride for a while, I can still spend time with her in the barn or pasture. " I say.

"Okay then. Well, I'll send Nurse Caroline in here so you can have more wheelchair practice before you go home. Then I'll come back in to teach your parents how to give you your medications. If everything is well after that, then we can start discussing plans for when you get home."Dr. Mills replied.

Dr. Mills left the room and a few moments later, Nurse Caroline walked in with the wheelchair that I have come to see multiple times the last few days. 

"Okay Emmy, you ready for your hopefully last wheelchair practice session?" Caroline asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," I reply, as I start to wiggle my upper body so I could get into the chair. I'm now able to get into the chair mostly by myself, I just need a little bit of help at the end.

After I get into the wheelchair, I put my hands on the metal part of wheels and slowly start to push myself forward. As I've done this many times before, it's getting very easy for me. 

"Good! Now try to turn left!" Caroline calls out. 

I do as I'm told with ease. 

"Now right!" Again, I do as told. 

"Wonderfully done! Now try to go backward and then in a circle!"

I do as told once again, and then my practice was over.

"You did amazing! I've seen so much progress since your first time!" Caroline says.

"Thanks! It really is so much easier now!" I reply, happy that I'm able to at least get around with ease. 

"Well, as we are all done here, I'll send Dr. Mills back in." Nurse Caroline replied.

As  Caroline left the room, my mom came over and helped me back into my bed and whispered into my ear, "I'm so proud of you Emmy. You have made so much progress already in these four days, and I'm certain that you will be able to ride again. Just remember, never give up on your dreams." 

"Thanks, mom," I say smiling.

By now I'm back in bed and Dr. Mills has just walked in.

"Hello, again Emmy. How was your wheelchair practice?" Dr. Mills asks.

"Good. Its gotten a lot easier now. When can I go home?" I ask back.

"That's why I'm in here Emmy. After just reviewing the results from your recent swallow study, I found that it tends to be difficult for you to swallow and eat. Therefore, I would like to do a few more tests to see if you will need a feeding tube. If you do, then you will have to stay here for another day or two, but if not, then you can most likely go home tomorrow." Dr. Mills replies.

"Wait, so she might need surgery?" my mom asks, sounding worried.

"Yes. If the results show that she needs a feeding tube, then we will have to do surgery. Don't worry though, it's not a difficult one, and I've assisted in many feeding tube placements before." Dr. Mills replies reassuringly. 

With that, I'm once again wheeled away for more swallow tests.


Yay new chapter! Sorry, it wasn't out yesterday, I wasn't finished until today. Yesterday I wasn't home very much, so I couldn't work on it then. I said ear;y this week though, and its Monday, so it's early this week! Comment if you think that Emmy will need a feeding tube or not! I might have the next chapter up in the next day or two, but probably not. Anyways, see you then! I also am going to start doing word counts! Word count: 930! (This is my longest chapter that I have written so far!)

Love you all!

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