Chapter 15

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As I lay and think about what to put onto my list, I hear my mom say, "Emmy? Nurse Caroline is going to take you back to your normal room now," 

"Okay mom," I say, as nurse Caroline starts to wheel my bed away to my old room. 

When we reach my room, Caroline puts my bed where it goes and stands there with me until my family and Alex get here. When they walk in, nurse Caroline leaves and reach into my bag and take out a notebook and pencil. I start to write down my ideas for my list when Alex comes over to me and asks, "How are you feeling Em?"

"Okay, I guess," I reply, looking up from my notebook.

Alex sits down on the end of my bed and I get back to working on my list. 

After about ten minutes, Dr. Mills comes in and walks over to my bed.

"How are you feeling Emmy?"

"Better then before," I reply, not looking up from from my list.

"That's good," he says, before motioning for my parents to follow him to the hall. 

They get up and follow him out the door, which shuts behind them. Maddie comes over and sits on the other side of my bed, back turned towards Alex.  

"Have you worked on your list yet Emmy?" Maddie asks me.

"Yeah, some. It's hard to come up with things to put on there sometimes," I reply.

"That's fine. You have a while," she says, laughing.

"Not really Maddie. Only around a half a year," I say, breaking the mood.

We sit in silence for a while until Maddie speaks up.

"Anyways, do you have anything on there yet?" 

"A few things," I say.

Before our conversation lasts any longer, the adults walk back in and both of my parents are smiling. 

"What is it?" I ask, knowing that look.

"Dr. Mills said that as long as you are doing well, you can come home tomorrow afternoon!" my mom says excitedly.

"That's great!" the three of us all say together.

Dr. Mills leaves and my mom tells me that she is going to go down to the cafeteria to find some lunch. Maddie, Addie, and my dad all say that they will go with her, and so once again, me and Alex are left alone in the room.

He gets up next to me and we just lay there in comfortable silence for a while until nurse Caroline comes in. 

"Oh, are you guys busy?" she asks.

"No, you're fine," I reply.

She takes my vitals and quickly leaves, right before my family gets back.

Alex sits up and my family returns to their original seats.

Dr. Mills comes in and starts talking.

"Emmy, do you think that you're well enough to go home tonight?"

"Yes!" I say, excitedly.

"Okay then. You can go home around five then," 

My family and I nod and he leaves the room.

I look at the time and see that it's four fifteen, so I start to put my stuff into my backpack. I leave my phone with me, and Alex puts my bag on the back of my wheelchair. By this time, it's already four thirty, so I decide to just play Solitaire on my phone until it's time to go. 

Dr. Mills comes in with my discharge paperwork and sends us on our way. I get into my chair and start out the door. 

"Let me push you Em," Alex says.

"Okay, fine," I say, laughing.

He grips the handles and pushes me out the door, with my family following. We start at the front desk and they look over the paperwork, before handing it back and nodding.

We head out the automatic  front doors to the car, and when we get there, Alex helps me in the car, and puts my chair in the trunk while my mom does the same for Addie. Everyone else hops in the car and Maddie goes to back with Addie and Alex comes and sits next to me. My dad starts the car and we drive away from the torture place that is the hospital. Alex reaches over and grabs my hand and we all sit there in comfortable silence until we got home. 

Alex gets out first and gets my and Addie's chairs out. He brings mine over and helps me get in. We decide to down to the barn real quick so I can see Honey and Alex can do his chores.

"Hey girl," I say softly, wheeling up to her stall.

She nickers in response and we stay there for a while until Alex comes up behind us and tells us that he's done. We decide to head up to the house for dinner, and when we got up, everyone else was already sitting down, so we both quickly took a seat and started eating. 

I was only able to eat a little bit before my stomach started to hurt, but Alex ate a lot.

After dinner, we all helped clean up the kitchen before Alex and I went back to the barn to visit the rest of the horses.

We stayed out there for a long time, and when we got back, it was already eight o'clock. My dad was waiting for us in the living room, and we both went up to him.

"Are you two ready to go?" He asked us.

I looked at Alex and he nodded, almost reading my mind before I said, "I'm actually not coming tonight. I'm really tired and want to just go to bed," 

"Okay," my dad said, getting up from the couch. Alex leans down to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Bye Em," 

"Bye Al," 

He walks out the door with my dad and I can see him climbing into the truck and my dad driving away.

I decide to go up to my room and start getting ready for bed. I change into my pajamas and go brush my teeth before going downstairs to do my medicines. 

After I do them, I come back upstairs and get into bed. 

I lay down in my cozy bed before I hear a crash that I think came from downstairs. I quickly get up and hurry downstairs to see what it was, to see my dad sprawled out on the kitchen floor. 

"MOM!!!!! MADDIE!!!!! ADDIE!!!! COME QUICK!!!!!" 


DUN DUN DUN!!!! Okay, I'm soooooooooooo sorry that it's been so long since the last chapter, but I've just been really busy and my health hasn't been the greatest either, but I might post another chapter within the next week! Also, sorry for the HUGE cliffhanger! Comment what you think happened and don't forget to click that little heart! BTW, thanks sooooooo much for 590+ reads! It really means a lot that so many people are helping me raise awareness for mitochondrial disease!

Love y'all!

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