Chapter 18

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 "I love you too, Horse Boy,"

Alex holds me close for a while until Sophia gets back with Juniper. She puts her in a stall and comes up to us.

"Awwww! Y'all are so cute together!" Sophia squeals.

Alex and I just laugh and let go of each other.

"I'm going to go see if Charlotte is done with her lesson. I'll be back in a few minutes. You can come with me if you want to, Sophia," I tell them.

"Yeah, I'll come," Sophia nods, following me out of the barn.

We reach the arena to see Charlotte finishing up with her lesson. We stay outside the fence and watch the end of it.

When she's done, I tell Sophia to stay here and I head into the arena. I go up to them after Charlotte is off and watch her run up her stirrups.

"Hey, Charlotte. Nice job today. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but from what I saw, you looked really good!" I compliment.

"Hi, Emmy! Why didn't you watch the whole thing?" she asks me.

"I didn't watch the whole thing because my friend, Sophia, showed up unexpectedly. We went and hung out in the barn for a little bit and I came back out to watch the end though," I reply, looking over at Soph.

"Okay. Is that her over there?" she asks, pointing at Sophia.

"Yeah, that's her,"

We make some more small talk while my mom loosens Lucky's girth and starts to lead her to the barn. 

"I can get it, mom," I say, taking the lead rope from her.

"Okay, sweetie. Be careful," 


Charlotte, Sophia, and I all head into the barn and Charlotte is bombarding Sophia with questions. I laugh and put Lucky in a stall so Sophia can help Charlotte with Lucky. 

"Soph, can you help Charlotte untack Lucky? He's in stall 7," I ask.

"Okay," she says, taking Charlotte there and opening the gate. 

They both go in and I go over to Alex and hug him.

"They're really hitting it off, huh?" he chuckles.

"I guess so. I can't tell if they actually are or if Charlotte is just asking her a lot of personal questions," I laugh.

"I guess so,"

We stay in comfortable silence until the two girls come out with all the tack to put away in the tack room.

They come back out a minute later and Charlotte wants Sophia to walk her out to her mom. Sophia shrugs and they head out of the barn.

"I'll be right back," I tell Alex before going after them.

The three of us all go out to the driveway where my mom and Charlotte's mom are talking.

"Hi mom, hi Mrs. Maxwell," I greet them.

"Hey, sweetie. Are Charlotte and Lucky Charm all done?" she asks me.

I nod and Charlotte goes up to hug her mother. They say goodbye and leave in their minivan.

Sophia and I head back to the barn and talk along the way.

"I hope Charlotte didn't bombard you with questions the whole time you were with her," I laugh.

"She asked me a lot, but I've seen worse. Elizabeth's little brother is way worse than Charlotte," she responds.

Bridle MistakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora