Chapter 16

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My family all comes running down the stairs and my mom screams and starts crying. Maddie calls 911 and tells them that we need an ambulance now. Our mom makes sure he is still breathing, and he luckily is. 

I look around for any sign of blood or a weapon, but I don't see anything. 

We all crowd around our dad and wait anxiously for the ambulance to get here. It comes not a minute later, as we live very close to the hospital. They burst through our door and we all move out of the way so that the paramedics can strap him down. They pick up the stretcher and carry it out the door. My mom follows them and yells over her shoulder, "Maddie! Call Mrs. White! Tell her to come over and take y'all to the hospital!" 

"Okay mom!" Maddie yells, right before the door is shut in our faces. We all start bawling and Maddie shakily punches Alex's mom's number into her cell phone. 

"Um, hi Mrs. White. It's Maddie. My sisters and I need you to come over here right now and take the three of us to the hospital. Yes, we three are fine, but an ambulance just took our dad and our mom went with him. Okay thank you so much."

"Tell her to bring Alex!" I yell, right before she hangs up.

"Oh, one last thing. Emmy wants Alex to come too. Ok thanks so much. See you soon. Bye." Maddie says, hanging up. 

I quickly go upstairs to grab a few things and throw them in my wheelchair bag and rush back downstairs. As I wheel into the kitchen, I see Mrs. White pull up into the driveway. I see her and Alex get out and come inside.

"Thanks so much for coming on such short notice," Maddie says, as w all start heading out to the car. Alex immediately comes up to me and gives me a hug. 

"Em! I was so worried when my mom said we had rush to your house! I thought something had happened to you! I'm so glad you're okay!" he says, still hugging me. When he lets go, the others are already outside, so he quickly gets behind me and pushes me out the door, locking it behind him. We go down to the car and he helps me get in. Then he puts my chair in the back with Addie's and gets into the seat next to me. 

We all rush to the hospital and when we get there, I notice that I'm still in my pajamas. I shrug it off when I realize that everyone else in our party is too. We go up to the front desk and ask for Samuel Cooper. 

"Room 346," The lady behind the desk said, after looking on her computer for a moment.

"Thank you!" We holler back as we run/wheel down the hall to the elevators. We press the button for floor three and rush down the hallway to room 346 after the elevator lets us off.

We burst into my dad's room and my mom is crying. 

"What is it?" We all ask nervously.

"He had a heart attack. The doctor said that he probably won't live through the night," she says, crying.

The rest of us start crying too. We all crowd around him, laying peacefully on the hospital bed. He was barely breathing; you could barely she his chest going up and down with each shallow breath. 

I wondered if this is what I looked like when I here. 

"Mom, did I look like this when I was at the hospital?" I asked shakily.

"You did, to some extent. Not exactly like this, but you still did look similar," she says, still crying.

I notice that my whole body is shaking slightly. My blood sugar is probably low.

"Alex," I say, calling him over.

"What is it Emmy?"

"I think my blood sugar is low. Can you get my meter out of my bag?"

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