Chapter 17

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After I asked him if we would come lay with me, he smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing Em," he said, getting up and climbing under my covers.

He rolls me over so that we are facing each other and holds me close, allowing me to cry into his chest. He strokes my hair until I fall asleep in his arms. 


I wake up with Alex's arms around me. I'm confused for a moment, but then it all comes back. The crash, the hospital, the crying, dad, and Alex comforting me all night long. I shake him awake and his eyes flutter open before smiling at me.

"Morning Em,"

"Good Morning Alex,"

"How are you doing this morning, Princess?" he asks me.

"Not too good I guess. So much happened last night, it's hard to process it all," I say, sniffling.

Alex pulls me closer to his chest and we la there for a while until we hear a knock on the door. He quickly pushes me away and jumps out of bed and goes down to where he was plannng to sleep last night, but didn't. He pulls the covers over him and I shout out to whoever was behind that door after he was finished.

"Come in!"

My mom pops her head around the door and right before she says something, I remember that Alex was supposed to sleep on the couch last night.

"Good morning sweetie. Breakfast is almost ready. Come down when you are ready to. Wait, why is Alex in here?  I thought he was sleeping on the couch last night?" my mom asks me.

"I wanted Alex to stay in here because I didn't want to sleep alone last night. He slept on the floor and I slept up here," I say, and Alex sits up and nods his head. 

"Okay then. come down when you're ready you two," she says, before leaving us.

Alex and I look at each other and laugh.

"That was a close one!" 

"Haha yep!" I decide to go ahead and get out of bed, so I wiggle myself over to the end of the bed and sit up on the side before realizing that Alex had picked me up and laid me into bed last night and left it out of my reach.

"Alex! You left my wheelchair out of my reach! Can you get it for me?" I playfully whine.

"Sure thing Emmy," he laughs before standing up and walking over to my bed. He leans down and wraps his arms around me, before picking me up.

"Ahhh! Alex! Put me down!" I scream. 

Alex just laughs, carries me over to my wheelchair and sets me down in it. 

"Ughhhhh!!!! You know I don't like being picked up!" I playfully whine.

Alex just laughs and I wheel to the other side of my room and pick out my clothes. I go for the basic horse t-shirt and jeans, as usual. I instruct Alex to leave the room while I change, and reluctantly, he does so. 

I change as fast as I can, and leave my room. I go into the hallway and rush past him, trying to avoid letting Alex grab my chair. Apparently I wasn't fast enough, because right as I rolled past him, he grabbed the handles and pulled me to an abrupt stop.

He laughs and I struggle to get free, but as it's morning and I didn't sleep well last night, I can't get free. I stop trying and pout, looking back at Alex with puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top let me go?" I beg like a baby.

"Hummm, no," He playfully responds, coming around to the front of chair, still holding on.

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