Chapter 24

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"Oooo Amsterdam!!"
I smiled as we stepped off the train and into the darkened town, I always enjoyed the night sky.

It had been a few days since Kai and I left everyone behind and decided to travel. It was SO easy to travel when you could compel everyone and do whatever you wanted without repercussions.

Kai smiled back.
"I thought we could have a bit of mischievous fun before we do anything else."

I pulled him into a tight hug and grinned.
"Ah, this is why I love you"
I sighed happily and I felt his chuckle vibrate through his chest.

"I'm here to please"
He lowered his voice while placing his thumb and forefinger under my chin to lift my head up to him.
I just looked and smiled, even in gigantic heels I was smaller than him.

I just looked and smiled, even in gigantic heels I was smaller than him

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He gently pressed his lips against mine and hummed in happiness.
"And I love you too"
He chuckled before pulling back.

"So, what fun do you have in mind?"
I asked.

"Oh, that's a surprise. But you're going to bloody love it"
He smiled darkly.


Kai's hand was intertwined with mine as we walked through the town.

"So, care to tell me what's on your mind?"

He cocked his eyebrow at me.
"Can't you just read my mind?"

I let out a small giggle, before looking down and rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand.
"I'd prefer you to tell me yourself"

"Well, there's a little trick an old vampire in Hell taught me."
He smirked as we walked up to a bar and I could hear the music pounding outside.

"Oh? I'd love to hear this trick."
I smirked back.

"Apparently, if you drink the blood of someone who's high you get that high."

"Either that's true or he's watched too much Buffy."
I laughed and it made Kai chuckle slightly.

"True, but we get a meal out of trying."
He turned around to face me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"What do you say baby? Free meal and a trip?"
He smiled and so did I.

"I'd love to try."
I leaned in and gave him a small kiss, a smile now crawling across his lips.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his as we walked into the bar. The music was extremely loud and the whole place was lit up in red. It felt more like a nightclub than a bar.

The second we walked in an intense smell of weed and alcohol filled my nose, which made me scrunch my nose up.
"Damn, you weren't kidding about a high."

He let out a small chuckle as we sat down in one of the booths.

Kai started as he leant over the table towards me and lowered his voice.
"What you fancying?"

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