Chapter 23

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On a secondary note, the video for this chapter is amazing and the title suits this chapter.


Freya sliced into my wrists while Amelia chanted and placed Kai's ashes inside the runed circle. We needed as much blood as we could as soon as possible.

As soon as the bowl was filled with my blood, I let myself heal and stood on one of the runes at the edge of the circle, right where Freya would start placing my blood on the ashes.

Each member of the Einn had their hands linked, with Dillion linking with Klaus and Klaus linking to Amelia. There were so many members of the Einn that the chain led out of the room.

The second my blood hit the ashes, Amelia's chant changed and an enormous pain erupted from inside me. Freya started chanting along with Amelia and the mixture started to burn.

Steam erupted from the blood ash mix as Freya emptied the rest of the blood onto the ashes. She motioned for me to speak.

"Cade, I beseech you. Return his damned soul to me in exchange for two pure, untainted souls from his bloodline. Willingly sacrificed."

A few moments later the pain got more intense, like someone was stabbing and knotting my insides. I could barely stand up straight.

I soon noticed a red glow was shining from my stomach, before a trail of wisp-like glowing red exited my stomach and went into the smoking blood ash mix.

Candles erupted in flame around the room as did the mixture. I held onto my stomach as I felt like my entire body was going to snap in two. I could feel my reproductive organs breaking, snapping, twisting, burning, shredding and bleeding.

Once the red glow stopped, the flame on the ashes exploded into a giant cloud of smoke that covered the entire room. The smoke completely obscured everyone's view of anything that was going on.

Freya and Amelia kept chanting until the smoke slowly started to dissipate.

Then I noticed a figure hunched over inside the circle, as though they were kneeling.

Every part of me wished and hoped it was Kai, exactly how he was before he got decapitated.

The smoke cleared completely and it was in fact a masculine figure, in a suit.

I said gently and quietly, which was enough for the figure to stand up.

And it was Kai. He slowly stood up, glaring.

Amelia and Freya stopped chanting as the flame on the candles extinguished themselves.

"Kai, Kai it's me."
I said gently, smiling.

"I'm not falling for this trick Cade."
He spat angrily.

"Don't speak to our alpha like that."
Dillion growled.

"And, you are?"
Kai raised his eyebrow.
"Surely if I'm being tortured I'm supposed to at least know the faces of my so-called nightmares. And I'm sure I'd remember a spice boy like you."

I snorted. It was definitely still Kai.

"Spice boy?"
Dillion asked confused, with the entire pack watching intently.

"That's a lot of wolves..."
Kai mumbled as he cocked his head to the side, noticing the line of wolves out of the room.

I said again and he swung around to look at me. If he was human he'd probably have given himself whiplash with the speed he turned.

"How am I supposed to know this isn't just another trick so I'll confess what makes me weak?"
He slightly glared.

"Because what I'm about to tell you is so dramatic that even your mind couldn't make it up."
I sighed and lowered my gaze.

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