Chapter 22

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Almost instantly after what happened we made our way back to New Orleans. Since Amelia wasn't exactly part of the Gemini Coven, she didn't die when Kai went on his suicide mission.

My entire pack had gotten out of the prison world now and they were coming up separately with Dillion. At the moment it was just me, Freya, Amelia and Abbey making the journey to New Orleans in a cloaked car.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Klaus that I'm pregnant, Freya."
Those were the first words I'd spoken in hours, we were nearly home.

She nodded.
"I understand."

"He'll have to know at some point, they all will."
Amelia frowned.
"At some point they'll-"

"Well then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
I said a little too angrily.
"I am not doing anything until we get Kai back or have at least exhausted every option."
I folded my arms and rested against the window. Everyone stayed silent.

I don't know how long had passed in silence but Freya was the one to break it.
"We're here."
She said simply before pulling up the car and parking near the Mikaelson household.

We exited the car and I was the one to carry Kai. Once we were out of the public view and in the house, Freya decided to un-cloak us.

"Take him through the back."
Freya said with a sympathetic look and I nodded.

I placed Kai, he was in a full body bag, on a table in the back room.

It didn't take long before Klaus sped into the room.

His voice was laced with sympathy and understanding.

"Hey Klaus"
I fake smiled and he hugged me.

After a few moments he pulled back, placed his hands on my arms and looked right at me.

"I will do everything I can to get him back. I promise."
Klaus's voice was firm as he spoke matter-of-factly.

I just nodded and sighed.
"I bit Damon, by the way."

"I know, he called."
He smiled a little.
"And no, I didn't give him any of my blood."

I smiled.
"Thank you."

"You should get some rest, it's been-"

I cut him off.
"I don't want to sleep Klaus, I can't."

He just nodded.
"I understand. If you want a drink or anything, help yourself. Freya and Amelia will be coming in soon."

I half-smiled and just sat on one of the chairs in the room. It was complete silence when Klaus left. The only sounds I could hear were the three heart beats in my body.

I couldn't go through with this pregnancy. Having two reminders of Kai would kill me from the inside out, slowly. Even with Kai here, I wouldn't want to go through with it anyway. It just wasn't a viable option for me.

The only thing stopping me from turning my humanity off was the chance I could get Kai back.

"You ready to research some magic?"
Freya said as she entered the room.

"You bet, hit me."
I half smiled and she chucked a grimoire to me.

"Amelia and I have some of our family's grimoires. Klaus convinced Vincent to bring some over. He should be here soon."

I nodded and opened the book, looking for any sort of resurrection spell.


We'd been at it for weeks, we had to put his body on ice.

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