Chapter 21

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I laughed. Like literally burst out laughing.
"You are joking, right? You do realise that I'm already taken? Literally? Like I have an actual mate?"

Amelia nodded.
"The union does not need to involve love, only honesty. Dillion has also taken a mate."

"Kai would kill you for even suggesting this."
I narrowed my eyes at Amelia.

"She's not wrong"
Freya chimed in.

"You are not honour bound to actually do anything."
A male voice said from behind Amelia, as a blonde male walked in front.
"I'm Dillion. I am married to Kiara, my expecting mate. This union would simply be a power bond for the pack. You would control all of the Einn, we would no longer be bound to the moon and could return home. To be one with nature."

I thought for a moment.
"You said honesty, yes?"
Dillion and Amelia nodded.
"So how would a very powerful and very old linking spell affect this?"

"What type of linking spell?"
Amelia asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh you know, just one of those simple ones that links the entire essence of my being to Kai. Nothing too extravagant."
I smiled.

Amelia nodded and Freya rolled her eyes with a slight giggle.
"I do, and it would affect nothing. Other than Kai would be able to pretty much see everything that is going on. So you must contact him and ask him. You have until tomorrow."
Amelia, Dillion and the pack turned away.

"So, how do I contact Kai using my brain?"

Freya laughed.
"Just think of him, and his essence. Feel him."

"I can feel him. Not as strongly as when we're in the same world but-"
Suddenly the connection got weaker.
"Its weaker? Is he in another prison-ah!"
I fell down in pain, it felt like someone had literally stabbed me in the back and my leg.

"Sylvia? What's wrong?"

"Kai's hurt and and-"
I managed to connect with Kai's thoughts.

He shouted and Bonnie disappeared.

"He's alone. In another prison world."

"Sylvia? You saw that?"

"He's connecting with me."

"Good. Speak to him in your mind."

I nodded and closed my eyes.
"Kai? What the hell happened?"

"Bonnie. She tricked me and locked me in the nineteen oh three prison world."

"Oh Kai..."
The sadness in my voice was apparent.

"Once I get out of here she will pay."

"And I'll help you Kai. But there's something I need to ask you, and you're not going to like it."

His voice was harsh.

"There's a way for my pack to return home, and not be bound to the moon. But..."

"But what?"

"It means I need to sorta 'marry' their alpha I guess?"

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