Chapter 27

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*about 3yrs later*

"Well, mine's dead."
I sighed as the body collapsed at my feet.

"Oh would you look at that, mine too!"
Kai sung as the body he was feeding on dropped to his feet.

He wiped his mouth with his hand while I licked my lips clean.

"We've been all over the world and we still end up back in Virginia huh?"
I sighed and stepped over the multiple corpses.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for the good old days."

I rolled my eyes.
"You mean the days where something was constantly going wrong? Can't relate."

He stepped over some of the corpses and grabbed my waist, pulling me to him.
"Well, you were there when we got the creepy astral spirit visit thing from Amelia saying some spooky stuff regarding hell was happening in Mystic Falls."

"When isn't something happening in Mystic Falls?"

"Very true."
He sighed.
"I forgot bars in the middle of nowhere had the worst tasting meals."

"Me too."

The irony was we'd drank the entire bad dry.

Well I say entire bar. It was basically empty when we got here. Only about eight people including the bartender.

Kai pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side.

"Whatcha thinking about?"
I smiled while wrapping my arms around him.

"Have I ever told you how much I like your new hair?"

"Have I ever told you how much I like your new hair?"

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"Yes, many times."
I giggled then sighed.
"I'm bored of this bar."

I went to turn away but he spun me around, slamming my chest against him and crashing his lips onto mine.
"I'm not quite yet done with the bar... or you."

He smirked and picked me up while I was giggling and kept kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he sat me on the bar.

"You and your kinks"
I laughed and tangled my fingers in his hair.

"Don't worry, they're not watching."
He smirked before kissing me roughly.


"So, what crazy shit do you think is happening? Well, regarding hell that is."
I asked Kai as I leaned back with my feet on the dash, Kai was driving us to Mystic Falls.

He shrugged.
"Your guess is as good as mine. But why they'd contact us I have no idea. But I'm glad we made that pit stop after the message."

"Me too. And well, Amelia did help us pull you out of hell. But if it's Mystic Falls, then it's Bonnie behind this. Meaning she knows I pulled you out of hell."
I sighed and scrunched up my nose.
"Ugh. I hate Bonnie."

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