Author's Note

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Hello everyone! I just want to say thank you for all your support on my story because wow, I didn't expect it to get this much positivity, especially since this is my first one after a couple years so it's really uplifting to see you guys like my writing uwu
To those who've been waiting for an update for a while, may I ask you to wait just a little bit more? I understand it's really frustrating just to wait for a new chapter to update, but the thing is writing chapters for my story is a bit difficult right now due to my business with college applications and other academic requirements so that leaves me without much time to create a new chapter. All I'm asking is for everyone to please be patient with the next upcoming chapter because I'm really excited to write about the younger group's reactions to their future performances and I can't wait to show it all when I do :D
Now before I'm done, I have a question for you all: If you were to compare the 2013 members to their 2018 counterparts, can you give me 5 or more major differences from the two that you've observed? Doesn't have to be from my story, they could be things you noticed from them in real life. Don't worry, you don't have to answer it if you can't or don't want to, the question is just something I wanted to ask so I can improve my portrayal of the boys in the story.
Anywho, thank you for reading and have a pleasant day! Until the next update~!

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