Going Back To The Roots

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This is inspired by multiple BTS time travel fan fictions I've read on AO3, including "Cradle Of The Moon", "Don't Worry, You'll Get There", "time slip", and "Love Myself, Love Yourself". Give those a read if you love time travelling BTS as much as I do.
BTW, this starts during the Love Yourself: Answer World Tour wherein they were about to perform for the first day in Seoul so that's why Jungkook in the first chapter still has red hair.



"Hyung. Wake up." Jungkook hissed quietly, trying to shake his eldest hyung to get up. "Jin hyung, please wake up. I need to show you something."

Jin groaned as he fumbled around his bed and turned over to the other side, trying to avoid his dongsaeng's attempts at getting him out of bed. "Not now Kookie. Can't you wait until later to wake me up?" He grumbled out sleepily.

"Hyung, I'm really sorry but please, this is serious."

He huffed into his pillow and pointedly refused to look up, wanting to close his eyes for a few more minutes. Yesterday's practice was just exhausting and he'd be damned if he didn't get more than four hours' worth of sleep. However, he noticed that Jungkook sounded a bit desperate and slightly nervous, and his shaking was a bit more aggressive than what he usually does if he tried to wake them up. Naturally, Jin got a bit alarmed and sighed before slowly sitting up from his mattress and glancing at Jungkook with mild annoyance and concern in his eyes.

"What exactly's so important you had to get me up at ..." He grabbed his phone and checked the time, squinting at the screen's brightness for a second. "At 4:23 am?" Upon hearing the time, Jungkook glanced away sheepishly before looking back at him with an urgency Jin hadn't seen before.

"I don't think you'd believe if I just told you," Jungkook started. "Hell, even I'm still trying to believe it, hyung." Jin frowned at him swearing but kept quiet to let Jungkook keep explaining. "It's just... well... I guess it's better to show you first."

The youngest slowly made his way to the door and Jin, while hesitant to leave his bed, finally caved and got on his feet when his youngest looked at him nervously, and followed him into their small living room. He was about to ask why they were there but then he saw that they weren't alone. He looked at the other occupant and his jaw drops because-


-there was another, older-looking Jungkook staring back at him, the same nervous smile the younger one has on present on his face as he gave a short wave.

"Hey Jin hyung. Sorry about making you wake up before your usual time but as you can see, we may have a bit of a problem." The older Jungkook said, laughing a bit nervously. "We weren't sure who to wake up first about this but he," he pointed at his younger counterpart, "suggested you since you're the oldest and that you could maybe help us settle the others when they ask so uh, yeah."

Jin just stared. And stared. And stared some more. His jaw was still open and his eyes were starting to burn as well from being unable to blink for a whole minute because what the fuck?

"Jin hyung?" Both Jungkooks asked out of concern, looking at each other then back at their hyung. "Are you okay?" That seemed to snap him out of his stupor.

"I-I'm fine. Really, I'm good." The two youngest members looked at him doubtfully and Jin was still reeling from the fact that there were two Jungkooks instead of only one, so he just gaped there for a moment before finding the words he wanted to say. "I'm sorry but..." He choked out. "This is just... holy hell, Jungkook-ah, I can't even describe how crazy all this is because this doesn't make sense. How the heck did he even get here?"

Love Yourself: Future To The Past (BTS Time Travel Fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum