Trying to Explain ft. Yoongi

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There was a chaos of reactions after his announcement, and Older Jungkook was afraid that they thought he was lying after all. He couldn't blame them really because yeah, this sounds extremely ridiculous and something straight out of an anime or fan fiction or something, and yeah, it's kind of unbelievable in general, but he was still hoping that they'd believe him because all jokes aside, he's never lie about an issue like this to them, never to them.

He huffed nervously and opened his mouth to try and convince them about this again when-

"He's telling the truth."

Everyone abruptly stopped what they were doing and looked at Yoongi in astonishment. The latter just raised his eyebrow at their expressions, as if saying that he believed what Older Jungkook said wasn't as weird as it should be. "What?"

"I'm sorry, have you two met before?" Jimin questioned him, a hint of sass in his voice. "How in the world would you even know he was lying or not?"

Yoongi just looked at him plainly and replied with a deadpan "I'm a magician".

Namjoon and Hoseok facepalmed in the background. "Hyung..."

Taehyung mumbled an 'I knew it' and Younger Jungkook looked at him weirdly.

Older Jungkook's mouth curved into a smile before he bit his lips tightly as he looked away, holding in the laugh that bubbled up in his throat. His shoulders were giving him away though since they were shaking.

Jimin just stared at him in conflicted confusion, his expression revealing that he was actually considering his answer.

Yoongi rubbed his face in exasperation and groaned. "I don't actually have magic, Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, don't think too hard about it." Jimin looked sheepish at his words. "No, the actual reason I can tell he's telling the truth is because of two things: his behavior just a moment ago, and just an overall feeling I got."

"His behavior?" Taehyung and Younger Jungkook asked. At this point, Older Jungkook was done with trying to hide his laugh and turned to look at him as well, tilting his head curiously. What about his behavior?

"Yeah, while you idiots were trying to scream your lungs out earlier about all this, I was watching this Jungkook's expression and his body movements. Before I explain though, let me tell you all something about our maknae," Yoongi explained as he went beside Younger Jungkook then pulled him towards his side with his arm around the younger's shoulders, much to the latter's surprise. "Our Jungkookie here, I noticed, has a habit of rubbing his neck and avoiding eye contact when he's either nervous, lying, or both. While it may be subtle enough to go unnoticed by a lot of people, he's done it a handful of times around all of us already so it didn't take long for me to see the pattern."

Younger Jungkook blushed and looked down at the floor in embarrassment when everyone collectively looked at him. "I, uh... well..."

"Now that I think about it, he's right," Jin spoke up all of a sudden, almost giving the group a heart attack since they forgot he was there too. "The limited number of times I've seen him do that is always right before we find out he was too flustered or scared to tell us something, like his homesickness or when he tried to hide that he broke something in the studio."

Younger Jungkook, mortified and beyond embarrassed at remembering those awkward moments, buried his face in his hands as he flushed red while his hyungs started laughing at his predicament.

Older Jungkook could only stare in awe and astonishment, unable to come up with anything to say to them. Wow, he mused, his hyungs were a lot more perceptive at the beginning than he thought they were. (It's not that he didn't find them intelligent because on the contrary, he found them smart different ways. He just didn't think his hyungs could already read him like an open book when Bangtan was just debuting.)

"Hold on, what does all this have to do with how you can tell he's telling the truth, hyung?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, if this guy really is Jungkook from the future, then all these nervous tics he has in 2013 can still apply to him in 2018, unless I'm completely wrong about it though." Yoongi stated, looking at Older Jungkook for confirmation. "But judging from his expression, I'd say my hunch was correct."

Older Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Yoongi hyung's right, I still do that when I'm nervous. As for lying, well..." He looked away as he smiled fondly before looking back at them. "You guys always caught on before I even said anything. You just knew something was wrong so I never had the chance to give some half-assed excuse."

"As you shouldn't." Jimin piped up and Older Jungkook just chuckled at that. "Yeah, I guess so..."

"So," Namjoon interrupted. "You mean to say that you found out he wasn't lying because he didn't show any of his usual nervous behavior?"

"I said one of two ways, but yes, basically," Yoongi replied. "Another way I could tell was just this feeling I got when he spoke. That feeling of suspicion, doubt, maybe skepticism? I didn't feel them at any point of this whole conversation towards him. You didn't either, right?"

It was silent for a moment, and simultaneously they all nodded their heads. He was right.

"Guys," Namjoon said after a brief silence. "I think we can trust Yoongi hyung on this. If he says that this Jungkook is telling the truth, then I'm putting my faith in his words. He knows if something or someone could be a risk to us so he'd tell us if this Jungkook was bad news." His eyes swept over all of them. "What do you say?"

Everyone went quiet again, glancing at the others every once in a while but they were all deep in thought.

It seemed they all came to the same answer at once because they all nodded in agreement towards him, and Namjoon nodded back.

"Alright, I guess we're in the same boat then," He moved his stare towards Older Jungkook, who seemed happy and relieved that they believed him now, and cracked a slight smile. "Now, I believe you said you were from 2018, is that right?"

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