Phone Calls ft. An Angry Seokjin

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Hello everyone! Hope this chapter delivers for you guys because after this and the next chapter is where the real plot begins.

Btw, Jin is blonde because, again, this started before the start of LY World Tour in Seoul so I'm sticking to their hair colors during that concert.


Older Jungkook just stared at the offending device in his hand for quite some time, his expression shifting from confusion to sheer disbelief the more he stared. He faintly registers that his phone stopped buzzing about 10 seconds ago and was now showing a notification saying '1 missed call - Seokjin Hyung', however, most of his attention right now is occupied with the fact that he has his phone.

His phone, his phone from 2018, a device that shouldn't even be working in the past, was with him right now in 2013, and it's somehow able to transmit calls from his present which is confusing, and kind of scaring, the shit out of Older Jungkook.

What in the name of fuck is going on? Why is his phone with him? How did it even get into the costume's pocket? He's pretty damn sure he left it in their dressing room with his clothes, so it's impossible for it to suddenly pop up here without an explanation.

Seriously, what the hell-

Older Jungkook almost jumps out of his skin when his phone starts buzzing repeatedly again, the display showing that Jin (the future one, his mind supplies unhelpfully) was attempting to call him again, making him blink in realization that yep, he was definitely receiving a call from the future while he's in the past.

"I don't even know anymore." Older Jungkook muttered to himself as he watched Jin's contact name and photo flash on the screen continuously.

Scrunching his nose in thought, he silently debated whether he should answer the call or not. On one hand, this is his hyung, and he'll probably get his ass whooped when he gets back if he continues to miss his call. On the other hand, it might just be some impersonator trying to be Jin or something. But then again, his hyung usually only calls him if it's an emergency since he relies on texting or their group chat to send a message, so maybe he's calling to say that something happened to him or someone else.

It's also possible he's calling him since he went missing but the other reasons could be possible too, Older Jungkook reasoned to himself.

Heaving out a breath as he made up his mind, his thumb moves over to press the 'Answer' button before putting his phone up to his ear as he muttered a quick 'hello'.

"Jeon Jungkook, you are dead to me!" Jin yelled furiously over the line, making the former wince from the ear-splitting volume. In the background on his hyung's side, Older Jungkook could pick up quick and various yells of 'Jungkook's okay?' and 'is he safe?' from the other members, making a pang of guilt washing over him for not being able to tell them where he was going, but then again he never expected to time travel back to their debut year out of nowhere so he couldn't have warned them anyway. Still, he feels pretty bad whenever he makes them fret over him, which is exactly what they're doing right now.

"Where the hell have you been? We've been worried sick over here since you disappeared right before the show started! You're damn lucky we don't have to worry about the concert right now since we're trying to understand what the hell just happened to us, but this is inexcusable! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Crap, Jin hyung sounded pissed, and from the louder commotion that the rest of the members were making in the background, Older Jungkook can tell that they share the sentiment. He could also hear Namjoon hyung trying to calm the eldest down, however it was futile because once Jin starts, he doesn't stop until his point gets across.

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