{Chapter Sixteen} Grave Digging

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At first Katelyn thought Alina was joking, but then she saw the look on her face and she realised that she wasn't. She took a deep breath, and exchanged a glance with Aphmau. Katelyn had never dreamed that she would have to go grave digging, of all things. Especially when she was still technically on holiday.

"I'm going to give you a minute to take that in," Lizzie grimaced, "In the mean time, Lina? Could you be a dear and please divulge where said graves are."

"My mother was buried in Phoenix Drop- the original Phoenix Drop- along with Garroth. Liochant was buried here. Katelyn and Travis were buried in  Bright Port, at the guard academy."

"And you?" Lucinda asked.

"I don't know, I was dead." Alina shrugged.

"Don't look at me," Lizzie warned Lucinda, "I have no memory for that sort of thing. It happened a long long time ago."

"I think I might remember." Lilith frowned.

"Yeah?" Lucinda pressed.

"It's fuzzy, but I think you were also buried in Phoenix Drop, with mum."

"Well that makes things easy," Lizzie sighed, "We just have to find three graves in a town that has greatly expanded, two graves in a town that doesn't exist anymore, and one on an island that has half sunk, and the rest was turned into a resort. This should be easy."

"So we split up." Jasper suggested.

"That's not a bad idea." Lizzie considered, "But who goes where?"

"Perhaps we should not send people to dig up their own graves?" Katelyn suggested snidely.

"No." Lizzie said thoughtfully, "I'm going to act on the thought that doppelgängers can sense their own bodies, and besides, it's been centuries, there's going to be nothing there but the relics, and possibly a few bones."

"Oh. That makes me feel so much better." Katelyn rolled her eyes.

"You can go track down Brightport," Lizzie pointed at Katelyn, "Lilith too, since she trained at the guard academy. And Jasper, you can go too."

"Kim, Emmalyn, stay here with Willow and Lucinda. Track down Liochant's grave."

"Why us?" Kim piped up.

"Because I don't want to risk Emmalyn leaving the island, her life force is bound to this place. And you're her host. Also, Lucinda is a witch. You'll need her."

"Okay." Kim agreed.

"And that leaves Alina, Aphmau, Aaron, and me, to go to Phoenix Drop. Oh joy."

"Have fun with that." Jasper laughed.

"Have fun finding Brightport." Lizzie retorted.

"True." Jasper conceded.

"Come on guys. We don't have a second to waste."

The group exchanged looks of resolve before splitting off. Lilith and Jasper made their way over to Katelyn. She eyed them uncomfortably, feeling out of place. Jasper was immortal, and Lilith was a ghost with a physical manifestation. Then again, apparently she had lived dozens of times before, so maybe she did fit in.

"So where's Brightport?" Katelyn asked.

"When I trained there it was seaside town near Phoenix Drop." Lilith began, "But I don't know where it is now."

"Great." Katelyn muttered.

"It's fine." Jasper soothed, "I have a plan."

"Yeah, and what is this 'master plan'?" Katelyn quipped.

"I'm going to teleport us, and you're going to focus your mind on finding yourself."

Katelyn stared at him.

"That makes no sense."

"Nothing in this world does. Just do it."

Reluctantly, Katelyn gripped Jasper's hand in one of her's, and Lilith's in the other. Lilith and Jasper joined hands, completing the circle. Jasper closed his eyes, and a now familar tingle raced down her spine. She focused her mind on the body- her body- or at least what remained of it. She closed her eyes, but not before she saw the world spiral into darkness.

When she opened her eyes, they were on  a hill overlooking the beach. Glancing behind her, Katelyn realised that she knew this place. It was near Falcon Claw University. It was just how she remembered it.

"I know this place." Lilith breathed.

"This is Falcon Claw."

"Oh. Makes sense. I guess Bright Port fell into disarray, or simply merged with Falcon Claw."

"What was Falcon Claw like, in your day?"

"It was empty for a long long time, because of Zane. Our Zane, that is. He killed all the residents except one, my father. The village was in ruins by the time I was born."


Looking out at the sprawling city, it was hard to imagine that it had once been just a pile of ruins.

"Where are the grave?" Lilith asked, breaking the silence.

She stared at the ground, as if unwilling to be reminded of more old memories.

"I would guess below here." Jasper suggested.

"It's gonna take ages to dig up." Katelyn groaned.

"Not when you're a divine being." Jasper smiled.

With a rumble the hill caved in, taking them with it.

A/N- Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in the update, but I started high school about three weeks ago, and none of the teachers seem to get that you probably shouldn't set us mountains of homework, if we've had less than three weeks of school. Anyway, enjoy and thanks for reading!

Also. We. Hit. 2K. Reads! Thank you guys soooo much for reading and voting! It really does mean a lot. Should I do something for 2k? Is that like a thing?

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