{Chapter Eight} Founder of Phoenix Drop

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Katelyn froze, and her jaw dropped.

"Irene? Here? With us?"

"There is a reason Aphmau is still alive." Alina hinted.

"How? Why?"

"Well, if you'd let me continue, you might figure that out."

"Okay then."

"When Irene was summoned back, she had no memory of her previous life. Nothing before just appearing in the woods. She possessed next to no powers as her relic had remained her own dimension. She was led to a small town in trouble, one I feel you know very well."

"What town is it?"

"Phoenix Drop."

"Our Phoenix Drop? The place we went to high school?"

"Yes, although I don't know what high school is."

"Lady Irene was there." Katelyn leant back against the cave wall.

"She wasn't just there. She turned it into a bustling metropolis. She became lord there and it turned from this dingy little place, into a place well known across the lands."

"Was she lord of other places as well?"

"Well, after some.. events, her adoptive son took over lordship of Phoenix Drop, leaving her free to do what she wanted. She founded the second version of the Phoenix Alliance, and the capital was right here. She was kind of like the lord to it. When I was older, instead of taking over the Alliance I rebuilt the village my father had been the lord of, one that had been lost decades earlier. That was Falcon Claw."

"That's where we went to college!" Katelyn exclaimed.

"Once again, don't know what that is."

"It's after high school."

"Still have no idea what you're talking about."

"Didn't you get an education somewhere?"

"Our education mostly consisted of how to swing a sword, fire a bow, and politics. Not much else."

"Oh. Well, high school and college are like where we get an education."

"That makes sense." Alina nodded, "But I feel like we have gotten massively off topic."

"Uh yeah. Where were you? Something about Phoenix Drop?"

"Yes. Well, a whole lot of things happened. To recount them all in detail would take ages, so I'll just sum it up. There were these people called Shadow Knights. People who had died, and for one reason or another had come back as Shadow Knights. Not all of them were bad, but most were. They were attacking villages and towns, killing people, especially lords. Not long after Irene, or my mother as I will probably start to refer to her as, became lord, a baby was left at her doorstep. His name was Levin, and he was the son of the former lord. He was also my brother, as my mother adopted him then and there. Eventually, one thing led to another and my mother also ended up adopting another child. Malachi was a ghost child, trapped in a traveling castle. My mother managed to free him, and after a series of mishaps he became human again. They were looked after by a nine hundred year old elf named Zoey, who later became Lilith and mine's babysitter. When they were young, the lord of Scaleswind declared war on the then much smaller Phoenix Drop, with O'khasis to back it up. The lord thought we had kidnaped his daughter, but in reality she had escaped Scaleswind and come to Phoenix Drop of her own free will. However, the high priest of O'khasis, a man named Zane, kidnaped his daughter and hid her away so it would look like we kidnaped her. Luckily she was rescued in time to stop a full-scale war, but Zane escaped and opened a portal to the Irene Dimension."

"That... sounds twisted."

"Things often were back then. My mother followed him, along with Laurence, Emmalyn, Kenmur, Garroth, Aaron, and you."


"Yes. You were a former member of Zane's elite guard, the jury of nine, because he had threatened your brothers. After a close friend was killed by Zane, you turned to Aphmau's side. Gave her supplies, and a ship to get innocents out on."

"I can't believe I would have ever worked for someone like that."

"Remember, it was a different life. Things were different."

"I suppose. I just..."

"I know it's hard. After entering the Irene Dimension, Zane's two henchmen were killed, and my mother reclaimed her relic. However, while it felt like you only spent fifteen minutes there, it was fifteen years in our world. Zoey, the elf remember? She managed to rescue you, but only by sacrificing her immortality. You left, but you had to leave Garroth behind, because he wanted to be there to keep Zane in the Irene Dimension where he could do no harm. Things had changed when you returned. Phoenix Drop was rundown, only a few people left. Levin was in charge, but the town was in bad shape."

"How bad is bad?"

"From what I heard it consisted of about 20 or 30 people, a few buildings near the shore and practically no defence. So, bad."

"Twenty? That's less than the population of a street in Phoenix Drop today."

"Then it is obviously in better times right now. I'm glad."

"Even though you weren't lord of it?"

"It doesn't matter if I was lord of it. I grew up there, and for the longest time I called it home."

"I wonder if I'll ever get home." Katelyn said wistfully.

"Not without being a changed person. No one could come out of a situation like this the same as they were when they came in."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"I mean, you just did so..."

"What is going to happen to Travis and Garroth?"

Alina blinked slowly, pausing before replying.

"That is two different questions."

Katelyn looked at her imploringly, and she sighed.

"I don't know what will happen to Travis. Hopefully we can extract the demon from inside him, but, I dunno. This is new, even to me."

"And Garroth?"

"If all goes well, he should be able to be saved."

A flash of light from outside their little nook made them jump. As she leaned out, Alina realised it was heralding Jasper and Willow's return, along with two other people. One she recognised as Lucinda, but the other was unfamiliar except for a warm aura.

On the other side of the cavern, Lizzie looked up, worried and startled.


"We know exactly what he wants to do." Lucinda panted.

"What do you mean?" Aphmau asked.

Lucinda's gaze met Lizzie's.

"He wants to create his own relic."

A/N-Thanks for reading :)
Sorry this chapter took so long. Teachers are mean. Thank you guys so much for over 200 reads. I never dreamed this would get so many.
So, where do you stand on the whole Aphmau is she dead forever or is Irene going to bring her back thing? I think I've made my thoughts clear *cough* this fanfiction *cough* but others probably think differently.

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