{Chapter Eleven} So Mum... Let me tell you a Story

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It had been several hours since Willow and Jasper had stumbled back to the camp with the old man, and they had made their game plan. The sun was high in the sky, shining onto Alina as she crouched on a hill overlooking Starlight. There were hoards of people, looking more confused and upset than ever. The first stage of the plan was up to Lilith, Alina and Willow. They were to take on the guise of small children and infiltrate the crowd, locate the Ro'Maeve parents, Katelyn's dad and Aphmau's mum and then attempt to bring them back to the camp to prevent the demon warlock from using them as bait or hostages. From then, stage two begun.

Across the boardwalk, Alina saw a flash of familiar golden light flair out once, twice, three times. The signal to start moving. Alina carefully crawled down the hill, careful not to make a sound. Once at the bottom, she assumed her child form. She looked to be about four or five now. The same age she was when she had lost her mother. She still remembered that day as if it were yesterday, even though it was Millenia ago. It hurt to think about the life she could've had with her parents, if they hadn't died. But the past was just that, the past. She had to put it behind her and focus on the now. Focus on the plan.

She slipped into the crowd easily, as no one paid attention to her. According to Willow and Jasper, they had spotted several people matching the descriptions of the parents under what seemed to be heavy surveillance. They were part of the massive crowd of people, but under close scrutiny. Willow and Lilith were to go after the Ro'Maeve parents as they seemed to be under closer guard, while Alina went after Katelyn and Aphmau's parents. In a way, she thought, I guess Aphmau's mother is my grandmother. It was a weird concept to think about. Back when she had been alive, she hadn't had any grandparents. Actually, for most of her life she hadn't even had parents.

Alina was so lost in her own mind that she accidentally banged into someone. Unfortunately, they were a nice person.

"Where are your parents little one?" They asked.

Alina immediately made herself look sad, deciding to use this to her advantage.

"I wost my grandmama."

"Oh, what does she look like?"

She attempted to recall Aphmau's description of her.

"She has bwack haer and brown eyes and she has a wellow top."

"Black hair, brown eyes, yellow top. Okay. What colour skin does she have?"

"Uh.. tan."

"Okay, let's see if we can find her."

It actually wasn't hard to find Aphmau's mum. In fact it was much easier than she had anticipated, due to fact that she was arguing loudly with a GF solider. She looked a lot like Aphmau. Great one problem solved, now I just have to get rid of the tag along. Alina cast a sideways glance at the person who had helped her. I suppose I could ditch them, she wondered, or we that be to incriminating? I might as well try to start with the truth.

"I see her now."

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"

"No thank you."

"Okay, be safe."

"I will."

That was also a lot easier than I thought it would be. I hope it wasn't too easy though, and I just fell into a trap. Well, I suppose I'll deal with that if it happens, no point worrying about it now, she decided.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER! I WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY DAUGHTER IS!" Aphmau's mum was screaming, although over all the noise from the rest of the people Alina could barely hear her.

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