{Chapter Three} The Matron's Return

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Lilith blinked open her eyes to see lush greenery all around her. She groaned and rubbed her head.

"I guess coming into this world from the spirit realm and taking on a physical form is harder than I thought." She complained, even tough no one was there.

She stood and dusted herself off. She was wearing a tunic and a black cloak, with her wyvern scale necklace still hanging around her neck. It was her most prized possession, even in death.

"Where am I?" She wondered.

Behind her, she could hear waves crashing on the shore, so she was either on a coast or an island. Ahead of her, towering mountains reached into the clouds. I should probably go up there, get a good view, she thought, it's only a shame I don't still have my wyvern call, that would make this so much easier.

She began to trudge along a dirt trail heading towards the center of the island. For some reason, it looked way too familiar.

"Where am I?" She said aloud.

Nothing but the sound of birds answered her question.

I wonder where Alina is, she wondered as she climbed higher, I haven't seen her in so long. Should I have brought her with me? No, she answered herself, mum brought me here for a reason. I'm not entirely sure what that reason is, but I think it's a good one.

"This mountain is higher than it looks." Lilith looked up at the land she still had to climb, "Maybe I can see far enough away from here."

She stepped back to get a proper view of the horizon, and the ground slipped out from under her. She let out a shriek as she tumbled down a large tunnel, into a cavern. Lucky I've been through so much training exercises, she thought, stumbling to her knees.

"What is this place?"" She wondered aloud.

The cavern was filled with gold and other sorts of precious gems. The sound of very large feet stomping along the ground behind her made her freeze.

"What is a human doing in our den."


"What do you mean?" She exclaimed, "I was summoned here by my mother. I guess she wanted to grant my wish. Who else would she have.."

Something clicked in Alina's mind and she realised who Lizzie was talking about.

"Lilith." She whispered.

"Yes. Your sister has also returned to this world, maybe along with your brothers."

"You don't know if they are back?"

"My senses can track you girls, as I was closest to you. I only know that your mother would return, if she had the chance, although if she was thinking sensibly she would return the two of you first, as you are the most magically adept."

"Then why aren't they here?"

"Yes Lizzie. Why aren't they here? I would love to watch a family reunion." Travis said dryly, "Oh. I'm sorry. Had you forgotten about me?"

"Oh I could never little demon." Lizzie smirked.

"You are an infuriating brat, you know." Travis snarled.

"I suppose I am. However, I am also extremely powerful. You don't want to mess with me, because you will face repercussions."

Just then, a sudden pulse of binding light brighter and stronger than before came from the deserted house.

"Aph." Aaron cried.

"I must return to my sister's side." Lizzie gazed into the blinding light like it was nothing, "Alina, come."

"Stop them!" Travis snapped.

The guards ran forward, pushing Katelyn, Zane, Aaron and Kawaii-Chan aside.

"Would you like a little demonstration of my power?" Lizzie said mockingly, "Well, I'm not one to turn down an invitation."

Lizzie's eyes began to glow and she stepped forward. The guards barreled towards the two of them, with  no intention to stop. Lizzie spoke only one word, in Latin.


Open, one of the first spells Alina had learnt from her aunt. Of course, she had only used it for small things, like opening bottles. Not opening up a pit in the ground, but that's what Lizzie did. The guards plummeted immediately, a dazed look on their faces as they fell into the ground below. With a flick of her wrist, Lizzie made the ground close up again, like nothing had happened.

"Try that again, and we'll see what other ways you can entertain me." Lizzie tilted her head, an infuriating smile on her face.

She gestured to Alina to follow her, and they set off at a fast pace towards the house that now shone like a mini sun.

"Don't look back." Lizzie hissed to her.


"Let Willow and Jasper keep them occupied, we have to deal with this."

"If you could do that so easily, why not just kill them all? Or the people who are behind this plot?"

"You know very well that there are laws in place Alina. Ancient laws that must be followed. They forbid me from killing anyone with my powers unless the make a direct attempt to hurt me."

"Or another divine." Alina finished, "Surely my mother counts."

"I'm afraid Lina, that it only counts towards living divines. As of now, Irene doesn't have a substantial body strong enough to count as that. They only ones it could count as is if the threaten me, Willow or Jasper. The demon warlock knows this, and will use it to his advantage."

"The demon warlock. I can't believe he's back. My mother killed him, twice, but he doesn't have the decency to stay dead."

"They never do my dear."

Their footsteps echoed against the wooden floorboards.

"This place really was abandoned, wasn't it." Alina said in amazement, looking around.

"It doesn't matter know," Lizzie glanced around, "This way."

Lizzie charged up the stairs and down a hallway, before stopping in a small room. Two blankets were lying on the floor. Hovering above, seemingly being the cause of all this light, her mother's body was hovering. Or, at least it looked like her mother. Her gray-white eyes were glowing softly.

"So I was right? She is in a hibernation state."

"Yes. But not for much longer."

Alina nodded and stood back. Slowly, the body lowered itself to land on the blanket.

"Is she..?"

Before Alina could finish the question, the body shuddered. She gasped and watched in disbelief as she sat up, her eyes returning from gray to brown.

"Mum?" She whispered.

A/N-Thanks so much for reading. It means a lot :)
Hope you enjoyed. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment.
Edit: I won't be updating as much in the next few weeks as I qualified for a national writing competition.

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