Tord x reader

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I cried when I saw this. I get this feeling every time I watch it. Like, my stomach drops and I feel almost restless, determined, and yet, helpless. Like, I know Edd Gould died and I cry myself to sleep knowing my role model since I was little is dead. Yes, I've been watching him since I was 4. I love his videos and they made me laugh in my darkest times and I'm crying while typing this as we speak, knowing he isn't coming back. Tom left and Tord quit. So, in memory of Edd Gould, I give you, The End. Note that I'm in tears because my idol is dead, all because of fucking cancer. Edd was my role model and my idol and I'm devastated, still. His legacy will live on and I am positive I will tell his story, and is want you to do the same. So, here's the one shot.

  You four were going back home from fishing. You and Matt watched his two fish swim around in a little fish bowl. The little blue fish was then devoured whole by the orange fish. It then exploded. Matt screamed.
"Guys! Sir Swims-a-lot exploded! Can we go fishing?"
"We just WENT fishing..."
You then piped up.
"Yeah... And we kinda got banned from ever going there again."
Matt then asked why


You four were on a little rowboat. Edd pulled up a boot on his rod, Matt pulled up a zombie foot, you pulled up an empty, molded, leather wallet, and Tom harpooned up a whale.

Flashback end

"Hey! That harpoon gun is an important member of this family!"
"You sold the sofa to buy it!"
"I'll harpoon us a new one!"
Edd muttered
"I'll harpoon you a new one...."
Then, you walked inside and went in your own directions.
"Harpoons, harpoons, there better than spoons, harpoons-"
Tom stopped and pointed a harpoon at the shadow figure. You had to walk with him since your was across from his.
"Who does there?!"
He then gasped. You turned your head to him and gasped too. Edd came in as well and gasped, somehow standing sideways? Matt wasn't there. He was in the kitchen eating  cookie.
"Hello, old friend...."
Edd hugged Tord. Tord stared at you, almost looking in a daze or silently begging for help.
"Tord! Welcome back!"
"Welcome back?"
Tom asks in disbelief.
"I hope you don't mind me letting myself in..."
Matt then entered and made his presence known.
"No, not at all ^_^ who are you?"
"Heh... Its me..... Tord?"
You went into a daze. Honestly, he was just like how you remembered. He was even cuter, though. His hair was better kept. It wasn't as crazy and spikey as it once was.
"He used to live here?"
"Yeah used to!"
"You really don't remember?"
Tord almost sounded dumbfounded. You then had a flashback of when he left. Back then, he looked like a s n a c c but now he looks like a fucking S N A C C IF YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN'
Edd held Ringo as Ringo looked high as fuck as Tord looked around. (Goodman from sml is shook)
"What happened to the chairs?"
"Tom sold them to a pirate." You then noticed you have been fucking silent that whole time.
"HAH! Classic, stupid Tom!"
Tom looked like he wanted to murder the Norwegian S N A C C
He pulled a little box thing from his pocket.
"Don't worry." He threw it and it turned into a sofa. Edd and Matt then ran onto it. Tom had one in his hand and he was examining it with such rigor. I watched as he methodically fiddled with the trigger...
"What is this?"
You wanted to know too, so you stood next to Tord and looked at it. It looked like it could be in a hitman or portal game or something.
"Oh, just something I invented..."
Tord pushed a button and the box turned into a chair on top of Tom. He tried out of the chair.
"So, when are you leaving again?"
You hoped he would never leave. He was fucking hot. You wanted to smash. HARD.  You were never the romantic type but you fell for him. You fell hard (that's what she said.) Tord was then somehow on the chair and you tried to pull tom out of the chair.
"Leaving? I'm moving back in!"
You were thrilled. You never wanted this man to leave.
"WHAT?!? Edd?!"
"TOM! Stop being so rude! I told you last week!"
*cue eating flashback thing*
"Wow... It looks like you had lots of adventures while I was away."
" I HAVE AN IDEA!" Dead silent after that

*cue adventure montage*

*I skipped I tiny bit sorry. I'm tired, okay?*
"I'm here to stay!"
You were once again, ecstatic.
"NOOOOOO" you were cut off from tom, his face showing pure disapproval.
"You dont suppose I could have my old room back.... Do you, Edd?"
"Of course you can!"
"But that's my room!"
"You can... Go back to your old room!"
"You turned it into a swimming pool!"
"Why don't you sleep on the sofa?" Tord then tossed the little sofa box at tom and giggled. You then noticed a prominent blush on his face. Thought, it wasn't much, but it was visible. Tom then flipped the couch and left in a fit of rage, going to find a new place to live. Imma skip his montage, sorry.
Tord then got up and left the room. At first, you didn't pay it any mind but then, he started laughing evilly. So, you walked in. You were as quiet as a mouse and Edd followed you.
"Hi tord!" He practically yelled. Tord flinched.
"Uh... Hello, Edd! Erm, this is just my old.... Erm.... Eeeeh, laundry room!" You noticed your pastel blue shirt on the top of the pile, but you let him get away with his excuse because he's hot. Edd looked unsure and Tord gave off a hot, yet unsettling smile.
"...Okaay..." He seemed less sure of his response, but rolled with it. Then, he saw buttons began pressing it and matt came in and did the same thing. Then, Tord punched Matt because he was gonna touch a button he probably shouldn't. The three left the room and you looked around, not leaving your spot. Then, about 4 minutes later, Tord came running in, pressing a control panel and not long after, tom kicked own the door, startling you two.
"Ah--Tom! What are you doing here?"
"I was gonna ask you the same thing! Why are you, here??" He had a flier thing in his hand. You looked over his shoulder and looked at it, then Tord, then back at it. Tord was.... Red leader?
"Okay you got me. I only came back to get something I left behind..." He pressed a button and a hat fell onto his head. He clasped his hands together.
"My hat!"
"...why? What did you think I was going to do?"
"...I.... Erm..."
"Besides, it goes really well with my giant robot."

Insert fight

You watched as the guy of your dreams, hot Cheeto/tord/red reader/ s n a c c/ senpai fell onto a hill nearby. You ran over as soon as you saw the two people who came to his aid leave. You slowly approached.
"Uh.... Hi... Listen, I know you may have killed Jon, almost killed us all, but, I still forgive you... Ya wanna know why I would forgive you, Tord?"
"W-why?" You could feel the pain in his voice. You could tell it was unbearable.
You got closer and side hugged him, careful of his right side, which was tattered and bandaged. You leaned on his shoulder.
"I-i love you. I was gonna tell you before you left.... But I chickened out... I'm sorry. I knew, its stupid and you probably don't care-"
You were cut off by a kiss on the cheek.
"Love ya too... So, since we are a thing now, wanna be my queen?" He asked with puppy eyes. You nodded and he side hugged you. You two lived happily ever after. The. End...

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