Chapter 19

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Taylor pulls into a driveway to a house and there are lights on in the backyard. We all go straight there and Cam is there. He walks over. "What's this party for," I ask Nash and Cam must have heard me.

"My house warming party," Cameron says.

"You moved here!" I almost yell.

"Yup," Cam says.

Nash grabs my hand and he drags me to the grass where people are dancing and the music is blasting. Flights by Jack and Jack come on over the speakers.

"I love this song," I say.

"Care to dance?" Nash asks.

"It would be an honor," I say and Nash puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around Nash's neck and smile as the song plays.

When the song is almost over Cam comes over. "Can I get there of ya something to drink?" Cam ask.

"You got lemonade?" Nash asks and I snicker a little knowing what was about to happen.

"One lemonade coming up," Cam says.

"What if I don't want lemonade and was just seeing if y'all had it?" Nash asks. Cameron smiles as he realizes Nash is rein acting a vine.

"Than what would you like?" Cam asks.

"Lemonade," Nash says in a low voice.

"Want anything, Alex?" Cam asks.

"Lemonade, I guess," I say and Cam takes off to the drink table. Nash and I talk and make a few vines and Cam comes back with our drinks.

"Thank you, sir," I say and take my drink.

"Your very welcome ma'am," Cam says and gives Nash his drinks and goes over and talks with Matt and Steph, who I didn't realize were here. Nash and I go to chairs by a flower garden and sit down. "Alex, can I ask you something?" Nash I asks.

"Anything," I say. I'm a little concerned now.

"I was invited to LA for a photo shoot. I was the only one invited. Will you go with me?" Nash asks. I can't help but smile.

"I'd love to. I just have to ask my mom," I say and try to keep my excitement inside.

When its around 4:00 Nash and Taylor drops Nikki of at her house and then they drop me off. I say my goodbyes and go inside. Cater is on the couch watching TV. "Where's mom?" I ask.

"Went to the store. She'll be back soon," Carter says.

"Thank," I say and go into my room. I change into a dark blue shirt and bandana that Nash gave me and shorts. I walk barefoot out to the couch and plop down next to Carter and put my head on his arm. "You ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine," I say.

"Is there something you wanna talk about?" He asks.

"Ya... No... Um... Kinda..." I say all confused like.

"Well, I'm listening," Carter says.

"Nash asked me to go to LA with him for a photo shoot. I really wanna go. I'm scared that I won't be able to. Then I won't see Nash for a long time. What if he finds I different girl? What if decides to not come back? What if-," Carter cuts me off.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be able to go," Carter says and with that mom comes through the door.

"Hey," she says.

"Can I ask you something," I ask.

"Ya. Anything," mom says.

I explain to her about going to LA.

"I don't know. Let me think about it. When do you need an answer?" Mom asks.

"I don't know. Let me text Nash."

I text him and he answers almost right away.

"He leaves in two days," I say.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," mom says and I nod and head to my room. I get a text from Shawn.

Shawn: hi


Shawn: what u up to

Me: laying in bed

Shawn: awesome

Me: yup

Shawn: wanna come over to Cam's place and hang out with a bunch of us?

Me: is Steph there?

Shawn: no she left :(

Me: oh:( I'll ask to come anyways. You guys are awesome :)

Shawn: ok den. Text me if yous comin

I walk out of my room. 'Can I go to Cam's place and hang out?" I ask mom who is in he kitchen.


" Mom yells.

"Fine," carter whines.

We walk out the door. Carter is going to drive. We arrive at Cam's place and walk up to the door and I can here a bunch of laughter from inside. Cam answers the door and his face is super red. "What happened?" I ask.

"I got SMACKCAMED!" Cam yells and invites us in.

All the guys are here even Hayes. I take a seat by Nash and he puts his arm around my shoulder. "Sup," he says. I smile and look to the ground. His accent is perfect and cute. I don't say a word. I just look at he floor probably blushing. Movie time!" Matt yells and turns on the TV and puts in a DVD. It's a horror movie. It's getting dark out and the light that was on when I came is now turned off. I bring my feet up onto the couch and cuddle close to Nash. I love scary movies, but well they scare me.

It's about 20 minutes into the movie and I'm so frickin' scarred. It's just me, Nash, Jack J, and Cam awake now. Nash's arm is wrapped tightly around me and I never want him to let go.

The movie finishes and everyone is awake now. I may or may not have screamed when the one girl got killed In the movie.

It's almost midnight and I'm scared to death. I think everyone is staying here the night, so that's one good thing. "Any one else hungry?" Aaron whines.

"Ya," most of us including me say back.

"De fridge is over there, help yourself," Cam says and we all get up and make a run for the fridge.

"Slow down!" Cam yells and I can't help but laugh a bit.

After we all find something to eat I return to the couch. Nash sits by me and my eyes get heavy. I try to stay awake, but I can't. I fall asleep.

* * * * *

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