Chapter 5

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I wake up to Carter yelling at me to get up. "But its only 8!" I yell and he come I my room and grabs my feet and literally drags me to the door and to the living room. "Hey," I here a voice say and look to see who it is and Steph is stun on the couch. I stand up and run to her."I can't believe this," I say and hug her. She hugs me back and I sit down beside her. Then I hear a loud knock at the door. I was expecting Taylor or something, but when I opened the door a police officer stood thee and put me in handcuffs and drags me out to the police car. I yell for Carter and I see him leaving the house as the police officer drives away and my house is completely out of sight. "Why!" I yell.

"We know you were the one stealing back in PA," the man says and I try to relax a bit. I know Carter will be there for me.

We arrive at the police station and the take me inside and put me in a cell with 3 guys. "Someone will be here in a half hour to take you to prison. I sit down the the three guys walk over to me. "You that Reynolds girl? Aren'tya?" They ask and crack there knuckles.

"Ya-yes," I responds slowly.

"I'm Rick, this is Nick, and that's Joe. We are huge fans. We get an hour of twitter/ vine time a day," Rick says and I smile.

Soon a man comes in and handcuffs me to take me to prison, and the Carter, Nash, an everyone even Skylynn and Will, burst through the doors. "He doesn't deserve to go to jail," Matt says and gives him a video tape. The man plays the tape and see's how poorly we were treated and how Miss Jenner even got arrested. "We'll let her go for $100," the officer says and pulls out only $50. "We will have to go to the bank," Nash says and is ready to leave then Nick elks him to wait. "Here," Nick says and gives the officer $50 and Carter hands over the other $50. Thank you I say to Nick, Rick and Joe. I walk out the door and hug Steph. She holds me up for a second. "Guess what," she says excitedly.

"What!" I say mocking her.

"Matt and I have a date tonight!" She says and we both take a second to squeal. We catch up with others and then Steph stops us all. "I have to give you something," Steph says.

"What," i ask.

She hands me a blue bandana that is the color of Nash's eyes. I use to have one just like it. "Thank you," I say and hug her.

"You use to wear bandanas?" Taylor and an I nod.

"Awesome," he says and I put my hair up and put my bandana on. I realize I'm still in my pajamas, but I ignore it and stand by Taylor and take a picture posting it on twitter saying Twins. Taylor laughs and we head back to my place. I go in my room an change and join everyone back out in the living room. Nash and Matt are discussing something and the call me and Steph over. "Ya," we say together.

"We were thing about a double date," Matt says and I look at Steph and she looks back and me and we smile. "We'd love to," I say. "When?" Steph asks.

"5 o'clock, be ready," Nash says and we laugh. I sit in between Nash and Jack G and Steph sits by Matt and Cameron.

We all just talk and make vines and I follow Steph on vine and so does everyone else.

At 4:00 I go to my room and Steph goes to the other guest rom that she'll be staying in an we get ready.

When I'm done I walk out of my room and I sit by Steph who had a yellow bandana on and talking to Aaron and Cameron. I sit by her and then I hear a doorbell. Nash and Matt are there. "Get your swim suits," Matt says and we run to are rooms and get them and we each get a towel and head back to the guys.

Nash opens the truck door for me and Matt opens the door for Steph. We thank the and Nash gets in the driver seat.

We arrive at he beach and I open the door and Nash yells, "NOOOOO!" I close my door and he opens my door. "Much better," he says and I laugh a bit. Steph and I go to the bathroom to change and when we get out I see Nash and Matt in the distance seething up a stop. "I guess your not going on the other date tonight," I say and Steph nods.

"This is better," she says and smiles.

We walk over to Nash and Matt and we sit down on the towels. "What!" Matt yells and takes Steph's hand and drags her to the water. She struggles to get away then gives in. "Am I going to have to so the same with you?" Nash asks and I nod my head. Nash picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I keep my arms crossed until he drops me into the cold water. I stand up and the water in about to my waist. "No," I say and push him down into the water and when he comes back up he grabs my waist and stands up. I see Matt and Steph laughing and playing In the water and having a good time. Then I fell a drop of rain on my skin and we start to leave the water. We get I the beach and it starts to rain even harder.

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