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Carson and I were back in the kitchen now, except this time Sarah was there, and we were all happy. Smiling. Everything was right. I was making macaroni and cheese, Sarah was sitting at the counter, and Carson was standing next to me.

I turned around after I turned the burner off, smiling at Sarah. Carson put his arm around my waist, making the butterflies in my stomach soar.

Sarah saw the action and raised an eyebrow. "So. You two dating now or what?"

I blushed as my parents walked into the kitchen. "Yeah," my mom said. "Are you?"

My dad nodded, agreeing with Sarah and Mom. "Josie always said it was going to happen when you two were older. I didn't think it'd be this soon."

"I-um-" I was trying to tell them that we hadn't talked about that aspect.

"Yeah, we are," Carson said, making me freeze. "That cool with you?"

I looked up at him to see he was already looking at me. A grin took place on my face as I nodded. "Yeah. That's okay with me."

"What? No permission from dad?" My father grumbled.

My mom smacked his shoulder. "You gave it to him two days ago."

"What?" I asked.

"Oh. Right," Mom mumbled the next part. "I wasn't supposed to say anything about that."

"Whatever," Dad shrugged. "Just no kissing in front of me. Holding hands and stuff like that is fine, just no... no mouth touching."

I rolled my eyes at his wording. "Of course."

I looked up at Carson again, smiling at his red face.

Things were coming together. I looked around me, and even though Josie wasn't here, I saw a family. 

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