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We pulled up outside of what I assumed was Mr. Larkin's house.

"Of course," Carson muttered. "I forgot there was a garage."

"How are we supposed to figure it out now?" I asked.

"We're going to sneak in." This, of course, came from Sarah.

"I don't think-" Carson interrupted me.

"Done. Let's do it."

The two of them got out, and I thought about staying in the car, but when Carson turned around to see if I was coming, I groaned and got out of the car, following them up the driveway.

Sarah and I followed Carson around to the exposed side of the garage. There was a small window at the top. "What if he's home?" I asked.

"Then I'll tell him I was trying to get in to plan a surprise party for him."

"Why would he fall for that?"

"His birthday is tomorrow."

"How are we going to get up there?" Sarah asked.

"Which one of you weighs the least?"

Sarah and I eyed each other. "Definitely her," she said, pointing at me.

"Why definitely me?"

"Look at yourself. You're definitely smaller than me."

I looked down and shrugged. "Whatever."

Carson grinned at me wickedly. "You ready?"

"Wait, what am I doing?"

"I'm going to boost you up there, you're going to push the window open. And then you'll climb in and let us in by unlocking that door over there," he pointed to the door at the far end.

"Shouldn't we check to see if it's even locked first?"

Carson stopped, his face turning red. "Probably."

Sarah walked over to the far end and tested the door. It didn't open. "Locked," she told us.

"Great," I mumbled. "Look, Carson, I don't think-"

"You got this," he said, smiling. "I believe in you."

I took a deep breath. "Fine. But if you don't catch me when I fall-"

"If! If you fall."

"Stop interrupting! If you don't catch me if I fall, I'm absolutely coming back and haunting you."

"That's all you had to say?"


"Alright. Are you ready?"

I got closer and Carson got put his hands together by his knees. "Put your foot there, and then I'll lift you."

I nodded and did what he said.


"I think so?" I didn't know if I was ready. I'd never been in a situation like this before.

"And... now!"

Carson brought his hands up and I grabbed the ledge of the window when I got there. "I did it!"

"Good job! Now push the window open!"

I did and then I climbed in. It was dark in the garage, only a little bit of light coming in through the window I'd just crawled through. I jumped down, grateful that I didn't hit anything. I felt along the wall for the door, knowing I'd made it to it when I felt a cold circular object in my hand. I twisted it and pushed the door open, more light coming through now. Carson and Sarah were standing there waiting. They came in, and Carson used his flashlight to be able to see if there was a vehicle or just the bike in there.

No car. Just a motorcycle. 

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