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It's been a week since we gave the police all the evidence. A week since I've been back at school. The good news, Robin was suspended for the time being. They can't very well have a suspect for teen rape teaching a high school.

Carson and I have, somehow, gotten closer. I think he's been at my house more than he has been at his.

Just like today. I heard a knock downstairs and my stomach flew into my throat.

I went running down the stairs and then waited five seconds in front of the door for my breath to stabilize so he wouldn't think I went running for the door.

After I was breathing normally I pulled the door open. "Hey, Ellie," he smiled.

I grinned back. "Hey. Why do you even knock?"

He shrugged. "Just trying to be polite."

"I shook my head. "I was upstairs. I had to come all the way down. Just- just come in." I opened the door further and started walking away. "Food? I asked, heading for the kitchen."

"You know me so well." I heard the door close and his feet follow after me.

I shook my head and laughed internally. "How much do you have to work out to keep in shape from eating so much?" I asked, turning to face him. Only thing is, he was close enough and I was short enough I was only looking at his maroon Adidas shirt. I looked up and smiled at him sheepishly.

But he'd been looking at me before I'd looked up. I knew this because his cheeks were red. "You're really pretty. You know that?"

Carson gingerly brought his hand up to my cheek, his thumb tracing circles.

"I..." I had nothing to say. I didn't know English anymore.

Carson's eyes flickered to my lips and then back to mine. "I want to kiss you,"  he whispered.

I nodded. "Do it."

He started leaning down slowly, and I felt my eyes closing.

Just as he was close enough that I could feel his breath, the phone rang.

We jumped apart from each other, both of us turning the color of his shirt.

"I should get that," I mumbled, watching him nod as I stumbled while backing away. I let out a breath once I'd reached the living room, but a smile lifted my face when he was out of sight. "Hello?"

"Is this the Cait residence?" I recognized the sound of Officer Caldwell's voice.

"Yes. It's Elle."

"Ah. Good. Can you have you and your parents, Carson, and Sarah, down at the station anytime between now and in ten minutes?"

"Yeah," I nodded to myself, making a mental note. "Why?"

"If I wanted to tell you over the phone I wouldn't have asked to see you at the station," he joked. "See you soon," and then he hung up the phone.

"Carson!" I called. He came into the living room where I was standing by the landline. "Can you go pick up Sarah and meet me and my parents at the station?"

He shrugged. "I guess. Why? Did something bad happen with the case?"

I raised my hands. "I don't know."

"Alright. Cool. Yeah. Okay. Well, see you soon, I guess."

I nodded. He started for the door, and I couldn't hold it back when I said, "And Carson?"

He turned. I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to say that I liked him a lot. That I wanted him to kiss me. That I needed him to kiss me. But instead, I said, "Be safe, okay?" I left I can't lose you too hanging in the air. I had a feeling he knew what the unsaid words were.

"Okay. See you soon, Ellie."

I nodded. He closed the door, and I went rushing up the stairs to Mom and Dad's room.

"Hey," Dad said, sounding surprised. "Carson left so soon?"

"They want us down at the station."


I nodded. "That's why he left. They want all of us. You, Mom, me, Sarah, Carson. Where is Mom?"


I went to the door that led to their bathroom. "Mom, can you hear me?"

"Yeah! Just putting clothes on. What's up, Elle?"

"Caldwell asked us all to meet him at the station. Like, now."

The door opened five seconds after that. She looked at my dad pointedly. "Get some shoes on. Let's go. I'll drive." 

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