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     "No matter who you are, someone is destined to find you."​

"At the age of fifteen, you will start to see your soul-mate's life change right in front of your eyes. When the time is right you will start to see what your soul-mate sees." ​

"But how will I know when I find my soul-mate?" A tiny voice questioned.​

"Your heart will speed up and you will see what they see in quick, frequent, flashes." The taller man smiled at the young child.​

"Can I hear their voice?" The child questioned again.​

"No but you can hear the people around them." His smile turned warm at the small boy who had stars in his eyes. ​

"Then when you confess you will get a pretty design like mine," He showed the boy a blue star tattoo on the inside of his wrist. The boy's eyes went wide as he ran his small fingers across the tattoo.​

The boy looked up to his father and said, "I'm glad I have you, Dad. Thank you for all that you are teaching me and thank you for loving me for me!"​

The father pulled the little one into a tight embrace and spoke, "You're welcome, Alex. Just know that I will always be there for you. No matter what."​

There was a giant smile on the little boy's face, "Thanks, Dad."​

Where to Find You - a boyXboy original storyWhere stories live. Discover now