“If he catches your messenger…” I swallowed hard. “Jellal, he has my sisters down in his dungeon. He threatened to do horrible things to them.”

The muscles in his jaw tensed, and all trace of anticipated glory disappeared in his concern over my sisters. I couldn’t look into his warm eyes any longer. They were covering me, pulling me in. I looked down. I felt the heat of a deep blush climb my neck as I try to steady my breathing.

Jellal reached out and took my face in the curve of his warm hand. He waited until I looked back up to him. “So the warrior is not made of stone.”

Stone? Stone? He thought I was made of stone?

He lifted his hand to brush my bangs out of my eyes and leaned down to look into my them. “You are courageous, Erza. And clever. And strong. Both you and your sister. Remember that, in the thick of battle. You can use all three. And Fairy Tail will see to it that neither Jose nor Mard Geer ever has the opportunity to harm either you or your sisters.”

They were brave words. But only words.

And yet I wanted to believe them then. I needed to believe them.

But we were much too…close.

“All right,” I said. “Thank you.”

Hands off me, buddy. Remember, your heart belongs to someone else. And my heart is apparently… stone. -w-.

(A/N: I kid you not, I almost passed out when I made the following scene so beware.)

I was starting to squirm out of his magnetic pull when he moved an arm around me and tugged me closer. “Erza,” he said lowly, raising his hand again, this time to cup my face and brush his thumb softly on my cheek. A million thoughts raced through my mind as I failed to comprehend what the hell was going on. “There is something I must know,” he said, “something I’ve been wondering about for days.”

“Well, I suggest you talk to Levy, she can most likely help you on whatever you need. She’s read ton of books on all sorts of stuff and could probably help you get a head start on indoor plum-”

He leaned down then and kissed me, effectively silencing me in my rant. It started softly at first, then deeper, searching. I knew I should stop him, push him away, but at the moment I couldn't even remember how to breathe! His lips were so soft and warm I forgot everything else. When he stepped back he looked as dazed as I felt. He rubbed his lower lip with the pad of his thumb, still staring at me intently, as if reliving our kiss and then his eyes sharpened again with a glimmer of victory. He nodded at me. “I was right.”

I put a hand to my forehead and shook my head, frowning more as his smile grew. “No, Jellal. This, this can’t happen.”

“Yes, yes, it can,” he said, grinning, pacing in his excitement.


“No, we'll talk tomorrow. When we conquer Phantom Lord and free your sisters. You’ll see, everything will be fine.”

“But Carmen-”

“We are friends, but there is nothing between us. She will understand.” He interrupted.

He looked at me like he totally saw the total opposite end of the spectrum between us. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. Not here. Not now. He couldn’t break up with Carmen for me! Just when I was about to disappear. He would be crushed when I went home.

“So Carmen will recover. But what of the alliance? Fairy Tail is vulnerable out here, on the border. You need her family behind you, Jellal. Remember?” I shook my head. This was crazy. He’d gotten totally off track because of…me?

Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A Fairy Tail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now