Miss Park treated the three of us to lunch at McDonald's after she got to know Eunbin and I. Eunbin also said, right in front of Jaemin, that she was only going to be friends with Jaemin so that Miss park can treat her to food whenever she wants.

Miss Park and I burst out laughing and Jaemin looked at Eunbin with disbelief.

The day Eunbin and I met Jaemin, was one of the most memorable moments of my life. It was a moment I cherished and never wanted to forget.

It was just as important to me as the day I met Eunbin.

These days became so special to me because they became the days that I met my two best friends, my first and only friends.

They became my support when I needed it. When I would cry because of my parents or Mina they were the ones that were there for me, giving me a shoulder to cry on and words of comfort to put a smile back on my face.

There were many days where I would question why such amazing people like Eunbin and Jaemin would ever want to be friends with me. I tried not to think so negatively but when my parents would call me all those mean names and say I was a waste of space, I couldn't help but feel like I didn't deserve Eunbin and Jaemin.

I didn't deserve to have such amazing friends when I was far from amazing.

Of course, those two would tell me that I was talking nonsense and that I should stop listening to my parent's awful words, but I just couldn't.

My parent's words were embedded into my mind and no matter how much I would try, I couldn't get rid of them. They were stuck in my mind like a catchy song.

I don't mean to be negative and say such things to my friends, it normally just slips out when I'm feeling really down.

But since Eunbin and Jaemin really are amazing people and really care about me, they always seem to cheer me up.

It doesn't last too long though because at some point I have to go home and all the nasty name calling starts all over again, but I enjoy it while it lasts.

I savour every moment I have with those two precious tiny human beings.

I try and hide how I feel from them as much as possible, but they always seem to see right through me.

I can't keep anything away from those two. It's like they can sniff out when I'm feeling down in the dumps and emotionless, it's actually kinda creepy if you ask me.

However, I wouldn't change Eunbin and Jaemin for the world. I want them to stay the way they are for the rest of my life and I swear I will never let them go.

I will hold onto those two like my life depends on it, because it really feels like my life really does depend on those two.

They are pretty much my entire life. I consider them as the only family I have because they treat me more like family than my own family does.

Eunbin and Jaemin, they're all I had. I didn't have anyone else who was there for me, except for my grandmother of course, but she lived in a completely different city and I could only visit her on weekends.

But during the week Eunbin and Jaemin where my family. They made jokes with me and we laughed our butt's off all the time, they comforted me when I was upset, they gave me hugs when I needed one, they played with me when I was bored, they did everything a family was supposed to do.

There is no doubt that they are better than my family. I don't think I would feel like I even had a dimly if it wasn't for Eunbin and Jaemin.

And that was how we were as we grew up together. We were all there for each other through everything, even though my mother hated that fact we were all friends.

Whenever something happened in our lives we would tell each other no matter what it was.

We didn't go to the same elementary school but we did attend the same middle school, as well as Mina.

That was the first time Mina met Jaemin and she took an immediate liking to him for some reason.

Eunbin hated the fact that Mina tried to get close to Mina, but I wasn't too bothered by it since I didn't really think anything of it at the time.

I thought that I would be good for Mina to make a friend like Jaemin and maybe change a little so that maybe she could be a better person.

Jaemin was a good influence and I thought that she could use that instead of being influenced by our parents.

And so I just left her to try and befriend Jaemin, ignoring Eunbin's protests on the matter of course.

But after a while, Jaemin started to spend less time with Eunbin and I and more time with Mina and the other classmates since Mina was the popular girl in Middle school.

She had everyone wrapped around her finger and now she even had Jaemin wrapped around her finger.

I didn't want to admit it, but Eunbin was right. She was right when she said that Mina wasn't going to change and all she was going to do was take Jaemin away from us.

When Jaemin would spend less time with Eunbin and I, I feel like someone was trying to rip my heart out continuously. It was agonising.

I kept feeling like I was going to cry and I couldn't understand why I felt so hurt by the fact that Jaemin was becoming popular and making a lot of friends.

I felt selfish because I felt like I should be happy that he finally has more friends and people that care about him. Considering that he started off as a shy little boy who had no friends when Eunbin and I met him, I thought that I should be proud that he finally climbed out of his shell.

But something in my heart prevented me from feeling happy for him or being proud of him.

Instead, I felt hurt and angry by the fact that he had others to spend his time with besides Eunbin and I. I was extremely hurt because he chose to spend more time with those other kids instead of his two best friends.

And when I saw him with a girl, that was when I would become angry but hurt at the same time. I was more upset when I saw him with a girl than when I saw him with a guy, and I couldn't understand why.

Until I spoke to Eunbin about it. She told me that I had a crush on him. I tried to deny it, obviously, but all the proof was there.

I had a crush on Na Jaemin.


Yo, hey guys

So I know I'm supposed to be on a hiatus but since I had a lot of spare time I spent it writing a bit😁😂

I haven't updated this book in about 2 weeks and I kinda felt bad for making y'all wait for so long, so here you go😂

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