Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Sakay

Richard's POV.

I didn't stay in the hospital for long; I left right away to pick up Katty. "Hey hon" I greeted her with a kissed, she just smiled at me and asked about how my day went.

I was driving home with Katty, thinking if I should tell her about Iyanne. They were best friends in high school, she knew Iyanne liked me while we were dating, but she couldn't be more upset with her instead, she constantly included her in our dates. It was uncomfortable for me at first because I wanted to spend my alone time with her, but I agreed on as it made her happy.

I never hid the fact that I got Iyanne pregnant when we got back together; I told her the whole story. I expected her to be angry at me, but she instead willing to meet them, especially Nicole. I told her right away because I didn't want to keep Nicole hidden from everyone; she doesn't deserve it. She means everything to me. I also don't want to keep anything from Katty, which is why not informing her about meeting Iyanne had bothered me.


As I opened my eyes, my head ached. I sat down on the bed, trying to remember what went on that led me here. All I know is that I was drinking heavily last night and lost my senses.

"Gising ka na? here I made you hang over soup" From the door, a girl came out holding a tray with a bowl and a glass of water, she went near me and put the tray down the side table.

"Iyanne?" I murmured. She was my ex girlfriend's bestfriend. She sat beside my bed asked me to sit down from laying which I did, still confuse what is she doing here, and WHAT am I doing here.

"I saw you at the bar last night; you were wasted, so I brought you into my condo," she said. She never brought up anything that had happened between us, despite the fact that I was convinced she was trying to be nice, until she revealed that she was pregnant.

I was clueless towards what happened between us, and suddenly she came onto me to tell me she was pregnant. I got mad at her, I felt betrayed, I feel like I was cheating with Katty even though it has been six months since we broke up.

I took responsibility for our child. We live together so I can take care of her while she's pregnant. I provided everything she needed; I accompany her every time she needs check ups. We slept together so I can be with her anytime she needs me.

"Mango, I want" I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard Iyanne's crying. I worriedly asked but then she told me she badly wants mango.

I went back to my condo after buying a mango from the street and got confused when she began crying once more and said she wanted the mango from Guimaras City, which is in the province of iloilo. I called my secretary to set up my private jet for a flight from Manila to Guimaras City.

*/End of Flashbacks

"Hey?" I got back on my senses when my wife called me. I just realize now that we arrive home. I went closer to her and lean my head on her shoulders.

"My baby must be tired huh?" She said and gently shrugged my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me. I felt comfort, she's my safe place.

"There's something I need to tell you" I lift my head and stared at her. I didn't hesitate anymore and tell her everything about Iyanne.

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