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Soooooo! After alot of consideration and planning and Great suggestions and Voting! KingKado's court has made a ruling! About Cross-Z! V.S. Fourze!

Can we get a long ass and annoying drum roll... what do you mean we only have $3 left of buget... oh yeah! I spent it all on Splatoon 2. So what can we use... THAT'S A WHOLE SCRIPT! Fine! I'll call the voice actors!


?Young voice?: "You sure you wanna do this? That's a lot of bad guys to fight."

?familiar voice?: "Yeah! I'm sure! Plus we arn't fighting alone."

?Unfamiliar female voice?: "Right behind you! Partner!"

?Monotone Voice?: "Stop stalling. We need to get rid of these guys and quick."

3 boys and 1 girl stood infront of an army of monsters. People around them either were watching them or running in panic. One of the 4 looked like a 9 year old, he had H/c hair and a Odd Driver in his right arm. Next to him was a familiar boy with messy Green tinted hair and a odd blue device with two prongs on the bottom in hand, he also held an angered look. Next to him was a girl with long black hair and had the look of joy on her face with an odd belt on her waist. Next to her was a boy with a blank expression, half of his hair was white, while the other was red, he also had a burn mark over his right eye. He had an odd blue belt on his waist.

All 4: "HENSHIN!"

The four of them yelled as they all did diffrent motions. The 8 year old threw up his left arm causing shadows to surround his whole body. The shadows then dissappeared revealing his new body, that looked like the same age as the others. He then lifted up his right arm and slammed a purple battle into the device.


His veins then became visible as his blood turned purple. He then slammed the button again.

?Arm Device?: "READY? BURST!"

Then flames came out of the device and covered him in purple flames.

The green haired boy pulled out an odd blue bottle he shook it and twisted the cap before slamming it into the blue device.

?Blue Device?: "AWAKEUP!"

He then slammed the devices prongs into his shoulder, causing his views to turn a bright blue. He then crushed the device causing him to burst into blue flames.

The girl took out a red and dark blue bottle. She shook the two of them before twisting the cap and putting them into the odd belt.


The girl then quickly cranked the lever on the side of the belt causing pipes to appear around her and create two halves of armor infront of her and behind her.

The two toned boy took out an orange and grey square object and placed It into his blue belt.


The boy then pushed down on the lever which squeezed the Robot Jelly. Then a test beeker formed around the boy and slowly filled with a grey liquid.

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