Let's get Light headed

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Y/n was sitting in bed and counting the medals he currently has.

Y/n: "2 of mine. 4 of Kazari's. And 3 of Uva's. There's still a long way to go till I get my body back."

Y/n then put the medals and started looking around on his phone.


Y/n's eyes widened. He read a post about someone that said they found a red coin like medal that had a symbol that represented a Peacock.

Y/n: "Someone found my Kujaku medal."

Y/n quickly responded to the post, then the guy responded with a place for them to meet. He chuckled before walking to the door.

Shiraishi: "Where are you headed to Y/n~kun?"

Y/n: "Someone found somthing important to me on this weird phone thing."

Shiraishi looked at Y/n with concern.

Shiraishi: "You shouldn't trust everything you see on the Internet. It could be dangerous."

Y/n: "Trust me,"

Y/n held up his Greed arm.

Y/n: "I can defend myself... also done tell me what to trust!"


Y/n was walking around an empty building. He then saw the guy who said he had the Kujaku Medal.

Y/n: "So you have my medal, right?"

The guy turned while chuckling.

Guy: "I don't... but you do!"

The guy rushed forwards grabbed Y/n Greed arm before ripping his off of Shingo's arm, causing Shingo to fall onto the ground.

Y/n arm: "AHHH! What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

Guy?: "Getting My medals back!"

The guy lifted up his arm, and then he transformed into Uva.

Y/n arm: "UVAHHH!"

Uva then slashed Y/n causing him to drop the Kuwagata, and 1 cheetah medal.

Y/n arm: "You bug bastard!"

Uva: "Where Is it!?"

Y/n arm: "Where's what?"

Uva held his blade close to Y/n.

Uva: "My Kamakiri medals!"

Y/n: "I told you! Kazari has it!"

Uva growled before shaking Y/n up and down causing him to drop cell medals. Uva threw Y/n onto the ground before jumping off.

Y/n arm: "*groan* Damn bastard."

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