Deku Rider What Now!?

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OVA! So I had this idea and I don't want to waste it, QUICK NOTE! I'VE ONLY SEEN ONE EPISODE OF THE KAMEN RIDER IN THIS EPISODE! So alot of this is gonna be wrong! (Being secretive because I want the rider to be a suprise) Anyway! Let's get started! It may be an OVA but it is cannon... so yeah!

Last time on Deku Rider OOO these three things happened!

1: Izuku had successful saved the students and staff from the Liger Yummy's dome!

2: Gotou and Y/n had figured out that the Yummy's host was a scientist at the Kougami Biotech Labratory

3: Y/n used his Greed drive to destroy the Yummies with an amazing desplay of power

Y/n: "BE GONE!"



Inside of a forest, it was calm and peaceful. The wind was singing a beautiful melody and the birds were flying free. But that peace was quickly ended when an Orange/Violet portal in the shape of a rectangle appeared, causing everything in the forest to panic. The portal zoomed backwards, revealing a boy in a red jacket with black and white lines, he wore a hood that hide his features.

???: "... Huh... this one is pretty diffrent... I wonder what the Rider here is like. I just hope they're strong."

The mysterious boy then walked towards the city in the distance.


Hina and Izuku greeted a group of costumers as they entered the restaurant. Today's theme of the Cous Coussier WAAAAAAASSSSSS.... HEROES! That's right everyone was cosplaying as heroes of the past. Izuku lead the consumers to their seats and gave them menus. He then walked towards a frustrated Y/n. It had been a couple weeks after the school attack but now everything was normal, meaning that there weren't many Yummy attacks.

Izuku: "Hey Y/n! How's it going?"

Y/n: "I hate everything..."

He looked at Y/n with an awkward look.

Izuku: "Oh cheer up man. You should work with us today, dressing up as heroes and working is fun!"

Y/n grabbed Izuku by the face with his Greed arm and whispered to him.

Y/n: "WE ARE HEROES! Why do we need to dress up as heroes and do the most demeaning job of my time, when we can just be heroes!?"

Izuku: "Ok..."

Izuku pried Y/n's had off of his face, and then spoke.

Izuku: "I know you want to use you're Greed Drive and stop Villains. But duty calls when duty call. We have to wait for people to be in trouble before we can save them. Sure we could go on patrol, but that would kinda be a waste of time."

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