The Cat The Girl And The Glutton part 1

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1: Uva created the Leaf Rolling Weevil, and sent it to destroy a bank so it could grow.

2: Izuku makes his Debut as O's.

3: Izuku gains the O's Saber and destroys the Yummy.

Izuku: "ONE! *SHING!* TWO *SLASH!* THREE! *SKLASH!* Yo finished! *BOOOM*"

《3rd person Pov》

Izuku was in class writing things down. He was focused on writing... that was until he heard somthing interesting.

Random Student 1: "Hey! Did you hear about that new hero? The one that destroyed that monster yesterday."

Random Student 2: "Yeah he was super cool!"

Random Student 1: "What was his name again?"

Random Student 2: "I don't think anyone knows."

Random Student 3: "He just showed up and destroyed that monster after saving a bunch of people."

Random Student 4: "You guys talking about O's."

Random student 2: "Who?"

Random student 4: "That new hero with the sword! People hear this flying arm thing call him O's. So that's what people are calling him."

Random student 1: "Well whoever this O's guy is, he's super cool!"

Izuku smiled in joy. It took all of his will power to keep him from revealing himself as O's.

Teacher: "Alright everyone settle down. It's time for class."

《Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n eating a popsicle in a tree》

A teen in yellow clothes, white hair and lion ears, was sitting on the edge of a fountain and listening to people's conversations.

Random: "Did you hear about that new O's hero?"

Random 2: "Who hasn't. I mean he beat a giant bug that was eating buildings and barfing bolders."

Random 3: "People say that it was that Uva Villain that created that thing."

Random 4: "Uva? Oh! You mean that Greed, bug guy!"

The yellow teen got up and picked up his skateboard and started riding down the street. He kept riding until he reached a familiar abandoned building. He skated inside and hopped off before sitting on a table. On one side of the room was a man with black slicked back hair in a green suit. He also had green antenna sticking out of his head.

The Yellow teen then pulled out a bottle of beer and tossed to the Green man.

Yellow: "Here. I heard this stuff makes you feel less like a douche."

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