Dad the Truth is...

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[Scene cuts to at the pier, the destroyed longships from the expedition heading back]

Gobber: Well, I trust you found the nest at least?

Stoick: Not even close.

Gobber: Ah. Excellent.

Stoick: I hope you had a little more success than me.

Gobber: Well, if by success, you mean that your parenting troubles are over with, then... yes.

Phlegma: Congratulations, Stoick! Everyone is so relieved.

Starkard: Out with the old and in with the new, right?!

Hoark the Haggard: No one will miss that old nuisance!

Ack: The village is throwing a party to celebrate!

Stoick: She's gone?

Gobber: Yeah... most afternoons. But who can blame her? I mean the life of a celebrity's very rough. She can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by her new fans.

Stoick: Hiccup?

Gobber: Who would've thought, eh? She has this way with the beasts.Oh by the way she thinks she has a dragon friend named Toothless, I've heard it's because she is battling her morals or something.

[Scene cuts to Toothless soaring across the ocean, Hiccup on his back]

Hiccup: Okay there, bud, we're gonna take this nice and slow. Here we go. Here we go please go easy, no. Come on, buddy, come on, buddy! Yes, it worked! Safety precautions are seemingly full proof.

[Hiccup sees Toothless flies close to one of the sea stacks.]

Hiccup (cont.): Watch out!

[they dodge and Toothless does it again and laughs]

Hiccup (cont.): Not funny!

[Toothless just keeps laughing]

Hiccup (cont.): Yeah, yeah, highlarious. Just please stop I trust you but it's back little nerve wracking. And you also trust me so I can you at least listen to my suggestions. (Toothless cooperates) Yes! Oh, this is amazing! Man if only I found you sooner this could have been  my life.

[They approach a giant sea stack]

Hiccup (cont.): STOP!!

[Hiccup's scoots back causing her to unhook the safety cord and falls. She tries to get back on the saddle, getting smacked with Toothless' tail in the process.]

Hiccup (cont.): NOOOOOO!!! Oh, gosh! Oh, gods! Oh, no! Alright! You got this Toothless I trust you! Okay, no, no, no... come back down towards me! (Toothless is trying to catch up to her)

[Toothless catches her just in time.]

Hiccup (cont.): YEEAHHH! (Toothless shoots a blast of fire and flies through it) Ah, come on!

[Scene cuts to on a sea stack where Hiccup and Toothless are resting. Hiccup looks slightly singed by the fire earlier.]

[Toothless regurgitates a fish head for hiccup]

Hiccup: Uh... no thanks. I'm good.

[A flock of Terrible Terrors try to steal fish and Toothless tries to chase them away. One of them fights Toothless over a fish and loses. It tries to attack, only to be blasted in the mouth by Toothless, causing it to briefly inflate.]

Hiccup (cont.): Not so fireproof on the inside, are you? (She tosses the Terror a fish, which it swallows whole) There you go. (the Terror curls up next to Hiccup like a kitten, purring softly) Everything they know about you guys is wrong… huh guess I was right.

[Scene cuts to the Hiccups work room in the forge.]

Hiccup: [Playing with a pencil at her desk when Stoick comes in] Dad! You're back! Gobber's not here, so...

Stoick: I know. I came looking for you.

Hiccup: You did?

Stoick: You've been keeping secrets.

Hiccup: I... have?

Stoick: Just how long did you think you could hide it from me?

Hiccup: I don't know what you're...

Stoick: Nothing happens on this island without me hearing about it.

Hiccup: Oh?

Stoick; So. Let's talk about that dragon.

Hiccup: Oh, Toothless isn't bad he's really nice dad and he's a Night Fury so… who's in the wrong. And it's not a secret I just haven't shown anyone yet and-

Stoick laughs

Hiccup (cont.): You're not... upset?

Stoick: What?! I was hoping for this!

Hiccup:Uh... you were hoping I would befriend a Night Fury?

Stoick: No not your imaginary dragon Hiccup when you start fighting those beast. You might have gone insane but small price to pay. And believe me, it only gets better! Just wait 'till you spill a Nadder's guts for the first time! And mount your first Gronckle head on a spear! WHAT A FEELING! All those years of the worst Viking Berk has ever seen! Odin, it was rough! I almost gave up on you! And all the while, you were holding out on me! OH, THOR ALMIGHTY! Ah. With you doing so well in the ring, we finally have something to talk about. Might even change your title from Hiccup the Useless to Hiccup the Mental Case

Stoick (cont.): Oh, I... brought you something. To keep you safe in the ring.

Hiccup: Dad I-

[Stoick holds up a Viking helmet and gives it to Hiccup]

Hiccup: [Sincerely] Wow. Thanks.

Stoick: Your mother would've wanted you to have it. (She starts touching the top) It's half of her breast plate. (She retracts her hand)

Stoick (cont.): Matching set. Keeps her close, y'know?

Stoick (cont.): Wear it proudly. You deserve it. You've held up your end of the deal.

Hiccup: Dad I didn't I have a friend named Toothless who's a Night Fury. And even through it's nice to get a gift from you for once it's just that this is a sign of  a viking which I'm not.

Stoick: Not yet. And I'm sure your imaginary dragon friend will disappear after you kill your first dragon. Rest up you'll need it for training.

Hiccup and Stoick: Yes! Good! Okay. Good talk. See you back at the house. We should do this again. I'm great. Thanks for stopping by. Glad I stopped by, I hope you uh, like the hat. And for the... the breast hat.

Stoick: Well, uh... good night.

[Scene cuts to at the Arena]

Hiccup and Asher hiding from the gronckle

Asher: Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing.

Hiccup; Good. Please, by all means.

Viking: You got it Asher!

Asher: (following the gronckle) This time! This time, for sure! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGGGGGHHHHHHHH! (Charges)

[Asher sees the Gronckle on the ground, Hiccup standing beside it]


Stoick: Wait! Wait!

Hiccup: So, later.

Gobber: Not so fast! (Picks her up)

Hiccup: I'm kinda late for--

Asher: What?! Late for what, exactly?!

Stoick: Okay, quiet down. The Elder has decided.

Gobber holds a hook over Asher and the  elder shakes her hand then he holds his hand over hiccup which the elder nods

Gobber: You've done it! You've done it, Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!

Stoick: Ha, ha! That's my girl!

Hiccup: [Sarcastically] Heh. Oh, yeah! Yes! I can't wait. I am so...

HTTYD my versionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon