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[The scene cuts to the Meade hall, where everyone is gathered]

Stoick: Either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them! If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home! One more search. Before the ice sets in.

Viking: Those ships never come back.

Stoick: We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard! Now who's with me?

Viking: Today's not good for me. I've gotta do my axe returns.

Stoick: Alright. Those who stay will look after Hiccup.

Phlegma: To the ships!

Spitelout: I'm with you, Stoick!

Stoick: That's more like it.

Gobber: Right, I'll pack my undies.

Stoick: No, I need you to stay and train some new recruits.

Gobber: [Sarcastically] Oh, perfect. And while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall. Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to herself… what could possibly go wrong?

Stoick: What am I going to do with her, Gobber?

Gobber: Put her in training with the others.

Stoick: No, I'm serious.

Gobber: So am I.

Stoic: She'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.

Gobber: Oh, you don't know that.

Stoick: I do know that, actually.

Gobber: No, you don't.

Stoick: No, actually, I do.

Gobber: No, you don't!

Stoick: Listen, you know what she's like. From the time she could crawl she's been... different. She doesn't listen, she has the attention span of a sparrow... I take her fishing and she goes hunting for... for trolls to befriend!

Gobber: Trolls exist! They steal your socks. But only the left ones. What's with that?

Stoick: When I was a boy...

Gobber: Oh, here we go.

Stoick: My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him. And you know what happened?

Gobber: You got a headache.

Stoick: That rock split in two. It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber. He could-- He could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas! Even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become. Hiccup is not that boy- uh… girl.

Gobber: You can't stop her, Stoick. But you might be able to change her. Look, I know it seems hopeless. But the truth is you won't always be around to protect her. She's going to get out there again. She's probably out there now. If we put her in training she might be able to see what dragons are really like.

[Scene cuts to Hiccup trekking through the forest]

Hiccup: Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I manage to lose an ENTIRE DRAGON?!

[Hiccup encounters the Night Fury, laying on the ground. She is frightened and hides behind a rock, slowly approaching the fallen dragon.]

Hiccup (cont.): Oh, wow. I found it. Oh, I found it! This fixes everything! Yes! I have found the starting process of making peace.

[Hiccup steps closer to the dragon's face but the dragon stirs, opening its eyes. It rolls Hiccup over, roars in her face, looks into her eyes and flies away, leaving her unharmed]

[Hiccup whimpers and faints.]

[Scene cuts to the Haddock household. Hiccup runs past Stoick and quickly and quietly crawls up the stairs, but Stoick notices her ]

Stoick: Hiccup.

Hiccup: (stops halfway up the stairs) Dad! Uh... I have to talk to you, Dad.

Stoick: I need to speak with you too, daughter.

Hiccup and Stoick: (simultaneously) I've decided I want you to see my way about the dragons/ I've decided I think it's time you learn / to fight dragons. What/What?

Stoick: You go first.

Hiccup: No, no, you go first.

Stoick: Alright. Dragon Training. You start in the morning.

Hiccup: [Panicking] Oh, man, I should've gone first! Uh, 'cause I was thinking, you know, what if a viking found proof that dragons aren't all bad, and can actually be nice and--?

Stoick: You'll need this. [passes Hiccup an axe]

Hiccup: I don't want to fight dragons.

Stoick: I know but that's  because you haven't learned about how they are 100% evil yet..

Hiccup: No. Dad, dragons aren't evil one of them-.

Stoick: But you will learn to kill dragons with ease in no time.

Hiccup: No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't because-.

Stoick: It's time, Hiccup.

Hiccup: Can you not hear me?!

Stoick: This is serious, daughter! When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you. Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. No more of... this.

Hiccup: You just gestured to all of me.

Stoick: Deal?

Hiccup: This conversation is feeling very one-sided.

Stoick: DEAL?!

Hiccup: (sigh) Deal.

Stoick: Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably.

Hiccup: And I'll be here. Maybe.

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