Learning Something New

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[Hiccup is back at the cove, with a basket of fish.]

Hiccup: Hey, Toothless. I brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry. (Fish pile out) Okay, that's disgusting. Uh... we've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, and a whole smoked eel.

[Toothless roars in fear at the sight of the eel.]

Hiccup (cont.): No, no, no, no! It's okay. (throws the eel aside) Yeah, I don't really like eel much either.

[Toothless starts to eat the fish. While he's distracted, Hiccup sneaks towards his tails and wings.]

Hiccup (cont.): Okay. That's it. That's it, just stick with good stuff. And don't you mind me. I'll just be back here... minding my own business.

[Hiccup looks at the wings and tail.]

Hiccup (cont.): Why don't you fly away, I mean you look fine but what's wrong. Is it just because you're lazy.

[Toothless stops eating and perks up, seemingly realizing her curiosity about why he's not flying]

[Toothless takes off with Hiccup literally on his tail. They head towards a rock wall]

Hiccup (cont.): Whoa! No! No! No!

[Hiccup just looks around as Toothless dodge the wall]

Hiccup (cont.): OH, MY-- GOD! THIS IS AMAZING!

[Toothless realizes Hiccup is on his tail and throws her up. He doesn't save her in time and they crash into the lake.]

Hiccup: AAAAAGGGGHHHHH! Yeah! That was awesome! Can we do it again?! Only maybe more safe?

[Scene cuts to Arena, in middle of another training session. The arena fills with a greenish fog, obscuring the dragon.]

Gobber: Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which.

Fishlegs: Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, by crushing its victims--

Hiccup: [On edge] Will you please stop that?! The Zippleback is probably just afraid of you as  you are of it.

Fishlegs: Somehow I doubt that.

Hiccup: I mean if it's like a Night Fury it's afraid of eels.

Fishlegs: I see. You think your imaginary dragon is real and sense it doesn't look like any dragons you seen before you think it's a Night Fury.

Hiccup: Why does everyone think I'm making this up?

Snotlout: If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna-- there!

[Snotlout and Tuffnut drench Asher and Ruffnut, thinking they were the Zippleback.]

Ruffnut: Hey! It's us, idiots!

Tuffnut: Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon. (Laughs)

Snotlout: Yeah told you. You need to work out.

[Asher punches Snotlout in the face, and Ruffnut throws her bucket at Tuffnut, who is then dragged into the wall of smoke.]

Asher: Wait. [A tail knocks them off their feet]

Tuffnut: (running out of the mist, screaming) OH, I'M HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!

Fishlegs: Chances of survival are dwindling into single-digits now. [One of the Zippleback heads emerges from the mist. Fishlegs throws water at its face, and it angrily spews out some green gas.]

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