Chapter 15: Hiding Ties Secretly in Time

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It was morning time in the town of Callabasta. Everyone was beginning to rise from their slumber and were coming out of the streets ready to start their daily life's however some had to take a step back. Sophie in her training mode was zooming on the ground thanks to her rocket shoes with Arion on her back. Sophie was dashing all the way to the mansion with Arion telling her the events which had transpired.

Sophie could only reel from what he said "Wait...really? That's how she...?"

"I didn't want to believe it at first either" said Arion "and I still can't help but feel there's a plot missing. However there is enough facts to justify the result"

"But are you really sure that's Medea is really alive though? And even if you are correct how is it she's been in a Coma for so long?"

"I have a hypothesis but I'm mostly relying on a promise she made long ago. The upper crust is coming up now"

"Okay zooming forward" Sophie went through the archway to the modern looking residential upper crust.

The mansion was now in view "Still Sophie...there's still one thing bugging me?" said Arion troubled

"What is it Arion?" said Sophie

"Why is that this timeline and the present move at the same pace? I was only nine when I arrived and just as I've aged six years, so as this town"

"Well doesn't there have to be some common link? You know for two timelines to move at the same pace"

"Either it's sheer coincidence...or there's something I'm missing. On a different topic...I'm now older than Ariana. By six months"

Sophie arrived at the door, letting Arion down and reverting to human. Tenma knocked loudly on the door "Hello...hello anyone in!? Hello!?" muffled footsteps echoed behind it allowing with the sound of a bolt unlocking. The door creaked inwards revealing Zach's head

"Hello? Arion!? What you doing here?"

"Zach...Zach!" said Arion rather urgently "you have to let me in! This is important"

"Arion...I can't" Zach sounded shameful "My Father forbids me from seeing you again" Zach began to shut the door when Arion cried out

"Mother isn't dead!"

Zach stopped his action and slowly reopened the door "Mother...did you call her Mother?" Sophie was quite startled by this

"Zach...I finally remember" said Arion seriously "The six month's we spent together. I also now know an awful truth. You know how Mother got hurt didn't you?" Zach gasped and then retracted his gaze

"You...worked it out didn't you?"

"And I also know that Medea, our Mother, never really died. However if you don't let me in she'll remain asleep forever"

Zach looked quite shocked and overwhelmed by what Arion had told him " and everyone have been manipulated for the last six years. And it's time everyone saw the truth for themselves"

"Arion..." said Zack still reeling "You can't mean. I can't let" Arion in desperation and mild anger shoved the door open knocking Zach back.

"Zach...I'm sorry for intruding but I am going to save our Mother. With or without your help" Arion began running inside

"No Arion I can't let you" said Zach reaching out to him "Father won't like this. You have to go back out" Arion suddenly felt a flush of anger

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