Home (Part 1)

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Peyton stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her naked body. Prom didn't start for several hours, but Peyton hated being rushed so she decided to get ready little by little.

She put on mismatched bra and underwear, not like anyone was going to see it later.

She looked through her closet to find the dress Logan picked out for her the week before. She thought back to that day. Both Logan and Peyton decided to pick each other's dresses that night because neither of them cared what they looked like. They just wanted to impress each other.

Peyton spotted the familiar garment bag and reached for it. Her movements stopped when she saw that Logan's sweater was hanging just in front of her prom dress.

She touched the sleeve of the sweater, remembering that Logan said she left it at her house the night they first made love. She slipped it off the hanger and put it on.

She inhaled the smell of Logan's faint perfume still left on the sweater. She wrapped her arm around herself pretending that it was Logan's arms around her, maybe it was pathetic of her but it was all she had of Logan.

* * * * *

Logan rolled her bag down the terminal of the airport. She was gone for a couple days but the time away really helped her.

She stopped and surveyed the crowd trying to find familiar faces. She smiled when she saw Brittany looking bored while Kate stood beside her, jumping up and down with a sign that said 'Mackenzie'.

"Wow, my own welcome committee?" She shook off the thought of missing a certain person she wanted to see when she touched down in LA.

Kate hugged her, "of course!" She leaned in and whispered into her ear, "save me. Brittany's been stressed out about prom."

Logan turned her head and stared at Brittany who did seem restless.

"Can we hurry it up here? I still need to find the perfect dress and Prom is tonight."

Logan chuckled and pulled Brittany into a hug, "I missed you too, Brit."

* * * * *

Brittany navigated out of the airport parking garage, "so who do you think will be prom king and queen?"

Kate shrugged her shoulders, "As much as I hate Vince, I think he might win prom King. But I hope Peyton wins prom Queen."

"Urgh, I am so tired of Peyton King winning everything," Brittany grumbled.

Kate raised an eyebrow at her, "Peyton doesn't win everything. From what I know, she was the only girl who didn't even campaign to get nominated or get people to vote."

"Because she doesn't need it, Kate," Brittany responded back, "even though she's rude, guys will still ask her out and girls will want to be her friend. So she doesn't need to do any of that stuff."

Kate frowned, "she was never rude to me," she said quietly, enough for Logan to hear but not Brittany.

Logan sat in the back quietly, not wanting to add another opinion about her secret ex-girlfriend.

* * * * *

Paige and Darren waited outside of the King's house in their prom attire.

"Paige! Darren! don't you two look spiffy," Ethan greeted as he opened the door. He gave Paige a side hug and Darren a firm handshake before Olivia made an appearance.

"Look at you two all grown up," Olivia commented as she wiped an invisible tear from her eye.

Paige grinned, "thanks Mr. and Mrs. K." She gestured towards the staircase, "do you know if Peyton's ready?"

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