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Peyton clapped Darren on the back, congratulating him on his win, "you almost didn't win that last set. Maybe you should spend more time practicing and less time oogling Paige," she teased. 

He took a swig of his water and wiped his brow, "says the girl who keeps making heart eyes at her girlfriend," he motioned to Logan in the audience, making conversation with Olivia and Ethan. He shrugged his shoulders when Peyton shot him a look, "you guys are just too darn cute," he pinched her cheeks. 

She swatted his hand away from her face, "maybe if you focused on your set instead of literally everything else, the match would've finished sooner." 

He laughed and threw his sweaty arm over her shoulder, "a win's a win, honeybunch."

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a smile as she prepared for her own match.

"Hey, Peyton!" 

She turned around and saw Grayson walking towards her. The two tennis players have gotten friendly over the last couple of days after Grayson helped her pick up the tennis balls.

"Hey, Grayson, congrats on your match. Your opponent didn't stand a chance in the middle of the second set," she smiled. His match was the first match of the day, so he was just watching the rest of his team's matches for the day until his next one.

"Thanks," he blushed, "I just wanted to wish you good luck, not that you'll need it."

She thanked him as the Coach called for her to meet with the tennis umpire and her opponent. She shook hands with her opponent and walked to the baseline to start the game. 

She looked where her parents and girlfriend were seated and gave them a wave. Logan beamed at her while Olivia waved back and her dad shot her a wink. This was a measly high school tennis match, but for Peyton, this was a huge deal for her. It was the first time Logan would watch her play and she wanted to impress her. With her parents, they have only been able to watch her play a handful of times.

With the pressure of having Logan and her parents watch, Peyton was incredibly nervous. She turned her attention to her coach and saw him talking to a suited man holding a clipboard. Oh crap, that must be the college scout. She totally forgot to talk to him about that. But this wasn't the time to think about that, she had a match to win. 

"," the chair umpire called out. 

*  *  *  *  *

Peyton had to give it to her opponent, she was putting up a good fight, but it wasn't enough to win the match. 

She waited to receive the ball and when she winded her racket back, putting the perfect backspin she practiced the last couple of days, the other girl failed to receive it, resulting in cheers from her team and the stands. 

"Game, Set, Match, King," the chair umpire called. 

Peyton smiled as she walked up to the net, holding her hand out, "you're very good," Peyton complimented. 

The other girl smiled, shaking her hand, "that was a great match point." 

She turned to her team and raised both of her arms above her head as they clapped her on the back. 

Darren wrestled her into a headlock, while Grayson gave her a hug. Peyton was on an adrenaline high that she didn't even notice. 

Meanwhile, Logan watched from the stands cheering for Peyton. She knew Peyton was good, it was one of the few good things said about Peyton around school, but she didn't think she was at this level. 

Logan turned to Olivia, "I'm going to grab something from the snack stand, would you or Mr. King like anything?" 

"No, honey. I think we're ok," Olivia smiled. 

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