Shots! Shots! Shots!

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Peyton walked through the house dodging dancing bodies and unwanted stares. She didn't know what to expect from high school parties but she didn't think it was this out of control.

"Just find Chloe, say hi and talk to her for a couple minutes and then you can go," she mumbled to herself.

As she passed by a small nook, she found a group of guys huddled around something. Being taller than most girls, she craned her neck to see what they were looking at and stopped when she saw Chloe. Or someone who looked very similar to her.

Chloe had her back against the wall, wearing a halter top that left little to imagination and a very short skirt.

One of the guys put a hand on her waist, "come on, babe. I promise it'll be fun."

Chloe smiled uncomfortably, "maybe another time. I still want to tend to other guests."

The group of guys laughed, "this isn't a fancy party. Most of these people won't even remember whose party it was let alone if they were being catered to by the host." Another guy tilted her chin and was about to lean in for a kiss.

Peyton met with Chloe's eyes and saw fear in them.

"Get away from her," she growled.

The 3 boys looked behind at Peyton dropping any physical contact they had with Chloe. "We were just having a little fun, no big deal. Why? Are you jealous?"

Peyton pushed forward and reached for Chloe's hand. "I'd rather have sex with a cactus than have any of you touch me." Once she finally had Chloe safely behind her, away from the guys she continued  "and if she did want 'a little fun' I'm sure she could do better than the bottom of the barrel."

"Bottom of the barrel? What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

Peyton watched as they started to get agitated, "it's exactly what you think it means. People who have to pressure others to have sex with them are the lowest of the low." She made eye contact with each of them, "completely pathetic low lives."

At this point, the group of 3 guys' faces were red and this interaction suddenly gained them an audience.

"What the hell did you just say?" One of the guys started towards her.

But Peyton stood her ground, "did I fucking stutter?" She crossed her arms across her chest, "I didn't think so either."

All 3 guys were walking towards her. Peyton had never fought in her life, let alone fought men. But she couldn't stand for this disgusting behavior, and she was ready to fight.

Her view was suddenly blocked by the backside of a familiar white polo shirt. "Is there a problem here?" 2 more masculine backs stood in front of her.

She peeked around at her 3 challengers as they backed off, "no Darren, we were just leaving."

The crowd dispersed and everyone acted like a fight wasn't about to happen as they resumed their conversations.

Darren took a deep breath as he turned around, "I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you get into a fight?"

Chloe spoke up from behind Peyton, "it's not her fault, she was just trying to help me."

Darren's eyes widened as he realized that it was Chloe, "Chloe is that you? You look....different." He turned his attention to Peyton, "please don't get into any more fights, Peyton." She didn't even get to respond because he was suddenly pulled away by one of the jocks.

Peyton turned and faced a red-faced Chloe, "hey, great party," she said casually.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "I just want this night to be over." She gestured behind her, "do you want anything to drink?"

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