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[A/N]: The Scientist by Boyce Avenue & Hannah Trigwell. Originally by Coldplay, but this I kinda like this rendition a little better.

When Peyton finally came home that night, the party was over but Darren and Paige were waiting for her in her room. She didn't have a chance to tell them what happened because she broke down, becoming nothing but a puddle of tears on the floor.

Her best friends picked her up off the floor and put her into bed, offering to stay the night with her but Peyton shook her head. She only wanted one person and she screwed it up.

They both gave her uneasy looks but decided to accept her wish. Darren told her to not hesitate to text her and Paige reminded her that she was just in the next room over. 

Peyton stayed silent but nodded her head. When they closed the door behind them, Peyton laid down. Her mind rewinding Logan's words in her head. 

*  *  *  *  *

The sun was starting to peak through Peyton's curtains, signaling the start of a new day. She didn't get a wink of sleep but that was expected especially with what was on her mind.

Crumpled up tissues littered her bed from crying all night. But she had no one to blame but herself. She stared at the locket sitting on her nightstand. When Logan gave it back to her, the locket felt heavier than she remembered; almost as if along with the locket, Logan was giving back all the inside jokes, all the "I love you's", and all the memories with it. 

There was a soft knock on the door, snapping Peyton out of her thoughts. 

"Come in," she said in a soft voice. 

Paige peeked her head in, "good morning." She waited until Peyton lifted herself out of bed into a sitting position before she continued. "How are you feeling?" 

Peyton tucked her bottom lip into her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying. Paige saw the quivering lip and immediately made her way to her, "Oh honey," she wrapped her into her arms. 

Paige rubbed Peyton's back until she stopped crying. In the almost 10 years Paige knew Peyton, she hadn't seen her this vulnerable.

Paige looked regretfully into her eyes, "I really hate leaving you when you're so broken right now."

Peyton shook her head, "thank you for everything." She was sad that her best friend was leaving but she understood that Paige needed to go back home to write her exams. 

Paige squeezed her shoulder, "I'll be back in a week for prom, ok?" 

"I know," Peyton said weakly. She walked Paige to the door where her parents and Darren were waiting. 

Olivia and Ethan hugged Paige goodbye, "it was so nice to have you, Paige," Olivia smiled. "Yeah, it was nice to have some peace and quiet around here for a little bit," Ethan joked. 

"you'll have your peace and tranquility or whatever for another week, Mr. K. But I'll be back to terrorize again," Paige laughed as she rolled her suitcase to the door. She took one last look at Peyton, "call me if you need me Peyt, ok? I'll hop on a plane if you need me to." 

Peyton rolled her eyes and pushed her towards the door, "you're going to miss your flight." 

"I'm serious Peyton. I'll use Darren's air miles if I have to," Paige responded as Peyton pushed her out.

"No you won't, I'm saving those for a trip to Australia," Darren countered.

Peyton closed her eyes in frustration, "everyone chill out, no one will be taking anyone's miles because I'm fine." Her two best friends took one look at her and knew she was lying but decided not to call her out on it.

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