The Date

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Logan woke up before Peyton did which wasn't unusual. She rolled over and looked at Peyton, debating on whether she should let her sleep or wake her up because she was bored. She thought about the repercussions she'd have to endure if she woke her up so she got out of bed slowly making sure not to wake her up.

She looked around the room for her clothes trying not to make too much noise.

she scribbled a quick note for Peyton and put it on the pillow she slept on before walking out the front door.

*  *  *  *  *

Peyton rolled over to put her arms around Logan but was met with cold sheets. She opened her eyes slowly to look around the room, only to confirm that she did leave.

Her eyes found a piece of paper that laid on the pillow next to her.

Good morning <3
I left early this morning so I could shower and pick up my car before school started. I'll see you later <3 I love you so much <3

Logan xoxo

Also, I think I may have left my sweater somewhere in your room Haha

Peyton put the paper back down on her bed as she remembered what happened last night. She couldn't contain the grin that took over her face. She and Logan had sex last night, no, it wasn't just sex. They made love.

Logan was so gentle but at the same time commanding.

Peyton picked her phone back up and starting texting Paige and Darren.

Peyton: Big news!

Paige: it better be big news, Peyton. Its 2 am here

Darren: So, what's the big news?

Peyton grinned as she typed out her response.

Peyton: Logan and I...

Paige: DID IT! Omg, I'm so excited for you!

Peyton: what the hell? How did you know?

Paige: LOL you dialed my number by accident (I'm hoping) last night while she...deflowered you Lmao

Peyton closed her eyes and groaned, out of all the people she could have butt dialed, it had to be Paige. She was forever going to hold this over her.

Darren: No way! LOL that's hilarious

Paige: LOL who knew that Peyton cursed like a sailor lol do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Paige: But how did it go? I mean I know how it went lol I heard it lol I'm only asking because I'm a good friend

Peyton: Paige, please

Paige: Oh! you said that too last night, but you said Logan's name instead. 

Darren: Lol alright Paige, lay off a little bit. 

Peyton: Or a lot

Paige: So? was it everything you thought it would be?

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